Traffic measurements....

Regrettably, I cannot be in Prague. However, I do owe people an update on
what's happened to my traffic measurement project.

There has been several problems. One is legality; it's not entirely clear that
it's lergal to collect data with the granularity I'm interested in. I have
discussed this with various people and I have been unable to get a definite
answer. While the user data can be removed and still leave something useful,
that may not be enough. It may be necessary to scramble the source/destination
addresses completely in order to avoid potential privacy violations.

Another problem is that the person I had working on the project resigned and
went elsewhere. This caused me a major operational problem and I do not yet
know what I can do about it. I do not have the staff to continue the operation
right now and it is not clear if and when I will. We - like a number of other
groups - are being subjected to budget reductions and staff re-allocation and
although we will likely get the position re-filled, it may also be re-
programmed :-(

What I am left with now is a large stack of CD-ROM's with an enormous amount
of data on them. Around six months! The data itself is in good order, but I do
not have the analysis programs written. I have tried to make sure that the
data itself is saved so that it can be used if I can find the necessary labor
to do the job.

If anyone is willing to work on getting the necessary analysis programs
written, I am willing - subject to agreement to preserve privacy - to make
available the data.

I trust you will all have a productive meeting.

