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IETF Trip Report (abstract)

 Some of you may be interested in this report.

 -- Jill

 Abstract of Trip Report: Internet Engineering Task Force
 Jill Foster - Newcastle University, UK
 Chairman: RARE Information Services and User Support Working Group

 IETF - Washington: Nov 16-20, 1992

 This report is about 1000 lines long - but is structured to allow you
 to skip over bits not of interest to you.  

 My main reasons for attending (thanks to funding from RARE) were to:
 o    represent RARE Information Services and User Support Working
      Group (which I chair)
      [RARE is the Association of European Research Networks]
 o    join in the User Services and associated WG sessions.
 o    co-chair a WG session on networked information retrieval tools.

 o    co-chair a BOF session on network training materials.
 This informal report is in note form and deals mainly with the areas
 of User Support, Network Training and Networked Information Retrieval,
 although reports of the plenary sessions are also included.

 This report will be stored on the UK Mailbase Server.  To retrieve a
 copy, email to Mailbase@localhost with the following command in
 the body of the message:
      send wg-isus ietf.11.92

 Alternatively use anonymous ftp to:  mailbase.ac.uk

 file:  pub/wg-isus/ietf.11.92

 Jill Foster      

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