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RIPE Meeting Audiocast

		RIPE Meeting Audiocast

RIPE plans to audiocast the plenary sessions of its upcoming meeting
held in Paris, France from September 30th to October 2nd.  Since
bandwidth in this part of the world is quite limited the audiocast will
use LPC4 encoding.  Anyone wishing to ask questions during the question
periods is strongly advised to use LPC4 encoding as the conference site
will not be able to understand you otherwise.  Depending on local
conditions questions over the net may not be available at all.  We will
be using the multicast group used for IETF audiocasts
and base port 3456 (vat default). 


We are looking into using the GSM encodig provided in the latest version
of vat (v1.45beta) because this has far superior sound quality at only a
modest increase in bandwidth.  If you intend to listen to the RIPE
meeting audiocast we recommend you fetch this version just in case.
It is available from the usual places including


The meeting schedule is appended below.  Our friends in the US should note
that all times are central European time which at that time will be 
5 hours ahead of EST. 




				   R I P E

			Agenda of the 13th RIPE meeting

			September 30 - October 2, 1992

   - - - - - - - - - - - W E D N E S D A Y  14:00 h - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 1. Opening (R Blokzijl)					15 min
       o welcome
       o apologies
       o introduction
       o meeting secretary
       o dinner for Thursday evening
       o approval of the agenda
       o papers tabled
       o organisation of the meeting

 3. Minutes of the last meeting					15 min
       o approval of the minutes
       o action list

 2. RIPE position paper (R Blokzijl)				15 min
       o formal approval of the last draft

 3. RIPE NCC (D Karrenberg)					60 min
       o report
       o the future of the RIPE NCC:
	 - organisational position
	 - budget
	 - financing

 4. RIPE and RARE						60 min
       o report from the RARE CoA, September 24-25. (R Blokzijl)
       o the RARE technical program (RTC members)
         An introduction of the RARE technical program, with an emphasis
         on IP networking.

 5. Global Internet traffic measurement (T Nielsen)		30 min
       o Torben will present a proposal to do a global Internet traffic
	 measurement. The proposal is that (some of) the RIPE networks
	 participate in an effort to measure global IP traffic streams.

 6. Global Address Assignement (D Karrenberg)			15 min

 7. Delegated Registry inside Europe (D Karrenberg)		15 min
       o coordination between local NIC/NIS and the RIPE NCC

 8. Networking in Russia (M Popov)				15 min
       o status, including international connectivity
       o future plans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - T H U R S D A Y  09:00 h  - - - - - - - - - - - -

 9. EBONE (P Jones, B Stockman)					60 min
       o status report
       o plans for EBONE 93

10. EMPB IP services (PTT Telecom NL)				30 min
       o EMPB is going to introduce IP on it's network, EMPB will be 
         connected to some of the RIPE coordinated networks. Issues related
         to interworking between EMPB/IP and the European Internet will be
         presented and discussed.

11. Audio conferencing (D Karrenberg)				15 min
       o introduction
       o proposal for an MBONE

                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                The following sessions are meetings of
		- the RIPE working groups
		- special interest groups
		They take place with a degree of parallelism.

A. Relationship between Academic & Research networks and Commercial networks
   [Glenn Kowack]

B. Network information services [Nandor Horvath]

C. DNS issues [Francis Dupont]

D. European connectivity [Milan Sterba]

E. RIPE Database [Wilfried Woeber]

F. Audio Conferencing [Daniel Karrenberg]

G. Global Internet traffic measurement [Torben Nielsen]

H. Delegated registry coordination [Daniel Karrenberg]

I. EBS managers meeting (closed) [Phil Jones]

J. EBONE Germany meeting [Stefan Fassbender]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - F R I D A Y   09:00 h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

12. Reports from the working groups.				120 min

13. Coordination of the RIPE and RARE technical programs.        30 min
       o for decission

14. Global Internet traffic measurement (T Nielsen)              30 min
       o proposal
       o decission

15. Date, place and time of next meetings                        15 min
       o January 25 - 27, Prague

16. A.O.B.							 15 min

17  Closing

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