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[SRI NISC: Domain Survery -- July 1992]

I don't see this forwarded yet so I'll do the honours.
Tony Bates,

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From: SRI NISC nisc@localhost
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Subject: Domain Survery -- July 1992
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Network Information Systems Center                                July 1992
SRI International                                    Internet Domain Survey

 The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on the Internet by
 doing a complete search of the Domain Name System.  The latest results
 gathered during late July 1992 are listed.  For more information see
 RFC 1296; for detailed data see the pub/zone directory on ftp.nisc.sri.com.
 This survey was done using the census program developed at the University
 of California Santa Cruz; see technical report UCSC-CRL-92-34 available
 on host ftp.cse.ucsc.edu in pub/csl.
                                                          -- Mark K. Lottor

                Hosts:            992,000  [890,000 hosts in Apr 1992]
                Domains:           16,300  [approximately]

Network number analysis of all IP addresses listed in the DNS:

                     Percent Of Network-Address-Space Capacity Being Used

Number of Networks   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%

  Class A:     60    100%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%
  Class B:   2714    99.9% 0.1%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%
  Class C:   3795    85.0% 7.6%  3.0%  1.5%  0.9%  0.9%  0.4%  0.2%  0.2%  0.0%
  Total:     6569    

[for example:  3.0% of class C networks have 30% of the available
               class C address space (256 hosts) assigned to hosts]

                Host Distribution by Top-Level Domain Name

   326630 edu      21021 se        2902 kr         943 br          74 hu
   277551 com      19192 fr        2803 il         789 mx          50 int
    62584 gov      17188 ch        2733 dk         633 pl          43 ee
    48639 au       15757 jp        2410 hk         624 ie          14 yu
    43907 de       15718 fi        2118 tw         616 gr           8 tn
    38929 ca       14354 no        2073 za         569 cs           6 in
    37776 uk        7044 net       1831 nz         400 is           5 ve
    33161 mil       6489 at        1532 be         201 us           5 aq
    25896 org       5147 it        1318 pt         165 cl           2 ar
    21105 nl        3603 es         949 sg          80 lu           1 th

                              Top 50 Host Names

      508 venus      377 gw         303 eagle      263 fred       240 mac12
      471 pluto      360 mercury    301 mac5       262 sirius     240 mac11
      438 mars       355 iris       296 gauss      262 mac8       236 alpha
      421 cisco      351 pc2        292 pc3        262 hermes     235 mac13
      408 pc1        337 mac3       284 mac6       259 mac9       234 mac14
      407 jupiter    334 orion      275 hobbes     257 calvin     231 phoenix
      405 zeus       320 mac4       274 mac10      254 pc4        231 mozart
      405 mac1       310 newton     271 mac7       253 apollo     231 mac15
      383 mac2       310 neptune    266 thor       248 athena     227 earth
      381 saturn     306 charon     263 merlin     243 titan      226 mac16

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