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Re: [ripe-152bis] Updating "Charging by Local Internet Registries"

My 2 cents:

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, leo vegoda wrote:

> Hi,
> We have some subscribers and so I'd like to re-ask the question I asked
> at RIPE 46[1] in order to kick off some discussion.
> This document currently states that:
> "while registries may charge for their administrative and technical
> services, they may not charge for name space or address space as such;
> no unit cost or price tag can be attached to a domain name or to an IP
> address, public or private."
> Should domain names be included in this document?

ISPs/LIRs may be able to charge for name space.
Where is the role of RIPE/NCC regarding name space?
RIPE/NCC manages any ccTLD or gTLD?

> Should AS Numbers be added?

ISPs/LIRs should be able to charge for AS Numbers, if this can have any
impact on AS Number conservation.

> Should the basic principal of only charging for administrative costs and
> technical services change?



./Carlos                                  "Upgrade the Internet! -- Now!"
--------------         [http://www.ip6.fccn.pt]        http://www.fccn.pt
cfriacas@localhost, CMF8-RIPE, CF596-ARIN, Wide Area Network Workgroup
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional  fax:+351 218472167

 "Internet is just routes (127855/472), naming (millions) and... people!"

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