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[no subject]

>Hi Leo,
I saw in the DB that several blocks within 195/8 have been registered as ALLOCATED PI last week (13.2.2003):

195     225     32      0       -       195     225     255     255
195     214     192     0       -       195     214     255     255
195     177     192     0       -       195     177     255     255
195     149     192     0       -       195     149     255     255
195     149     64      0       -       195     149     127     255
195     140     128     0       -       195     140     255     255
195     137     192     0       -       195     137     255     255
195     135     192     0       -       195     135     255     255
195     128     224     0       -       195     128     255     255
195     128     160     0       -       195     128     191     255
195     128     96      0       -       195     128     127     255
195     128     32      0       -       195     128     63      255
195     85      192     0       -       195     85      255     255
195     69      64      0       -       195     69      255     255
195     68      192     0       -       195     68      255     255
195     66      0       0       -       195     66      31      255
195     47      192     0       -       195     47      255     255
195     39      192     0       -       195     39      255     255
195     24      64      0       -       195     24      95      255

Since we (and other ISP) filter out prefixes longer than /20 (or /19) within 195/8 (except for the ALLOCATED PI ranges), I'd like to know if this is going to happen often or if the 195/8 is now fully allocated. It would be useful in order to update the filters.
More generally: Out of which blocks are the PI allocations made ? And what is the minimal assignement size within them ?

Thank you,
PS: I hope the issue is not off-topic...

Andre Chapuis
IP+ Engineering
Swisscom Ltd
Genfergasse 14
3050 Bern
+41 31 893 89 61
CCIE #6023

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