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[ncc-announce] RIPE 54: Reminder to Register
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meeting at
Mon Feb 26 15:28:51 CET 2007
[Apologies for duplicate e-mails.] Dear Colleagues, RIPE 54 will be held 7 - 11 May 2007, at the Sokos Hotel Viru in Tallinn, Estonia. REGISTRATION ============== To register for RIPE 54, please see: MEETING PLAN ============== The draft meeting plan is available at: RIPE NCC SERVICES CENTRE ========================= As a service to both RIPE NCC members and non-members, the RIPE NCC Services Centre will be open for consultation during RIPE 54. More information is available at: FURTHER INFORMATION ===================== For more information about RIPE 54, please see: If you have any further questions, please contact: <meeting at>. Regards, Sandra Gijzen RIPE NCC
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-announce] First Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) Meeting in Bahrain
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-announce] RIPE Database CRYPT-PW Deprecation Project
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