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Re: [myasntesting] AS378

Dear Hank,

First of all thanks for your comments.

> 1) I manage 2 ASNs  378 and 3339.  Most ISPs manage quite a few.  The model 
> of having myASN based per ASN number is wrong.  It should be based on a 
> person or mntner who has authority for multiple ASNs.  Otherwise, the tool 
> becomes cumbersome.

Indeed! We have thought about that before and right now we're working on a new 
version that will solve this problem. 

> 2) When I login to myASN, I would like to see that the system has 
> auto-learnt all my announced prefixes and presents a menu of prefixes - 1 
> per line - with boxes to be checked or modified - such as "remove" or 
> "holdtime", "ttl", etc.

This functionality is also implemented on the new version.

> 3) From http://www.ris.ripe.net/myas/accounts/378/myashelp.html (individual 
> help page) you should have links to the FAQ as well.
I will do it.

By the way we're demonstrating this new version this week during RIPE46. So, if 
you are attending please come and have a look.



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