[Apwg-ipv6-papi] policy proposal done?

Elvis Velea elvis at velea.eu
Tue Aug 27 20:03:27 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

I'm very happy everyone responded today ;) that's a first :P

To answer everyone in a row:

1. @Sander - I also explained the idea to Andrew and he was interested 
in listening to all the pro's and con's. I think it will have quite some 
impact on the RIPE NCC so I wanted the board to have a look at it as well.

2. @Gert - I am sure it will have some good response, we will see over time.

3. @Andrea & Marco - please let me know if it's clear what I did in that 
document. I can provide access to the shared google document if you can 
not copy the data from the attachments I've provided in my previous email.
Marco, when you have a second, do let us know when you think the 
proposal could be advanced to the mailing list.

Please note that the three proposers are:
me - Elvis Daniel Velea, V4Escrow LLC, Chief Business Analyst, 
elvis at v4escrow.net

Daniel Stolpe, Resilans AB, position?, stolpe at resilans.se

Sonderegger Olaf, ABRAXAS INFORMATIK AG, position?, 
Olaf.Sonderegger at abraxas.ch

4. @Daniel - Ingrid is still part of the Registration Services as far as 
I know, and as far as I understand, she, Andrea and Marco will take over 
the PDO function that Emilio had. So we will have 3 people helping us 
instead of just one. That must be good news, right? :-)

Regarding the presentations during the RIPE Meeting, what I want us to 
do is:
- present the current 'problems' of the IPv6 policy during the Plenary
- possibly present the idea to the IPv6-WG, but keep the discussion in 
the AP-WG
- discuss the proposal during the AP-WG
- possibly present at the GM an idea on how this may influence the whole 
community and the impact it may have to the charging scheme and the RIPE NCC

@Everyone: we still need to figure out what we will be writing on the 
Rationale, arguments pro and con.

(happy on the feedback received today)

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