[anti-spam-wg] Proposed Charter - Hopefully Final Version


Thanks to those of you who took the time to comment on the charter I
sent out two weeks ago.  I have made a couple of minor changes and based
on the rough consensus received in Berlin and on the mailing list I plan
to put this charter to the Working Group Chairs collective as the way
forward.  I also think that along with that charter the most sensible
suggestion for a name would be the Anti-Abuse Working Group.

The charter is below.




As the Internet has evolved, the scope and scale of network abuse have
evolved in step.  While unsolicited bulk email (spam) was previously the
most visible form of network abuse, it is often now merely a symptom of
much deeper abuse such as viruses or botnets.  To reflect this changing
Internet, it was proposed and agreed at RIPE 55 that the Anti-Spam
Working Group widen its focus to include all relevant kinds of abuse.

It is considered difficult for this charter to include an exhaustive
list of abuse types that would be considered within the scope of this
working group, not least because this is expected to change over time.
However an initial list can be stated and any necessary additions can be

- Spam via SMTP
- Spam via IM
- Webforum/blog Abuse
- All systems and mechanisms, technical and non-technical used to
create, control and make money from such abuse.

It is important to note that areas such as cybersquatting or hosting
illegal content are not seen to be part of the remit of the working group.

The working group would aim to tackle the issue from both the technical
and non-technical angles:

- To produce and continue to update a BCP (Best Common Practice)
document for ISPs similar in nature to RIPE-409 but covering a wider
range of possible abusive behaviours.

- To provide advice (beyond that of the BCP) to relevant parties within
the RIPE region such as ISPs, Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies
on strategic and operational matters.

- To discuss and disseminate information on technical and non-technical
methods of preventing or reducing network abuse.