[anti-spam-wg] Draft Agenda for AS-WG RIPE 55


This is the 1st draft of the AS-WG agenda for the RIPE55
meeting in Amsterdam next month.

The time slot for the AS-WG is Thursday at 14:00 and the
full meeting plan is here:


A.   Administrative Matters					 5mins
     - Scribe
     - Jabber
     - Mic Etiquette
     - Agenda,
     - Minutes from RIPE 54 (Circulated to the List)

B.   Main Presentations

     B1: Results from ENISA 2007 Survey on Providers'
         Security & Anti-spam Measures.	(P. Manzano)		20mins
     B2: Improving our good old blacklisting (C. Rossow)	15mins
     B3: eXpurgate Presentation (R. Gannon)			15mins

C    Interactions
     C1: Database & Address Policy WG - Database Updates 	10mins

D    Advice
     D1: Update to LINX BCP and RIPE-206			 5mins

F    WG Charter							20mins

X    AOB

Z    Agenda for RIPE 55; Plenary presentations


Brian & Richard