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Active Working Groups

  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Address Policy Working Group

    The Address Policy Working Group develops policies relating to the management and registration of Internet number resources.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group address policy
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Anti-Abuse Working Group

    The Anti-Abuse Working Group aims to tackle online abuse from both the technical and non-technical angles

    WorkingGroup anti-abuse ripe working group
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Connect Working Group

    The Connect Working Group discusses all subjects related to IP interconnection.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group connect
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Cooperation Working Group

    The cooperation working group primarily discusses outreach from the traditional RIPE community to everyone else.

    WorkingGroup cooperation ripe working group
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Database Working Group

    The Database Working Group deals with all issues related to the RIPE Database.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group ripe database
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    DNS Working Group

    Discussion on current DNS-related issues in technology and operations.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group dns
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Internet of Things Working Group

    This list was created to facilitate the exchange of information concerning the Internet of Things.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group iot
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    IPv6 Working Group

    Following the progress of specification and implementation of IPv6.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group ipv6
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    MAT Working Group

    The Measurement Analysis and Tools (MAT) Working Group provides a forum in which the RIPE NCC and the community can collaborate in the areas of data, tools and analysis relating to the Internet and its infrastructure, with a loose focus on monitoring, diagnosis, analysis and forecasting.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group mat
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Open Source Working Group

    The Open Source Working Group fosters discussion among developers, Internet Service Providers and the rest of the RIPE community about open source projects related to the RIPE community.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group open source