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Re: DANTE CERT Service

> One aspect I have just thought of:-
> If a number of organisations fund DANTE and others refuse,
> Will DANTE still coordinate of those who refuse to pay? thus we have 
> free-loaders... why would anyone then pay?
> OR
> Will DANTE refuse to coordinate those who refuse to pay thus REDUCE the level 
> of co-operation in Europe?

Why would anybody fund a competitor to provide this service? 

Sorry, but the only way to go is via a trusted, neutral organisation 
(Ripe, perhaps Terena). -IF- European level coordination is needed in 
the first place, of which I remain unconvinced.

EUnet AG					Simon Poole
Zweierstrasse 35	Tel: +41 1 291 45 80	poole@localhost
CH-8004 Zuerich		Fax: +41 1 291 46 42	S=poole;P=EUnet;A=EUnet;C=CH

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