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Re: The Complete EBONE Up and Running !!!

Bernhard, Skipper, EMC-Chair, and respected colleagues in the Ebone success,

Please excuse belated reply, but I have just returned from glorious holiday
on our Oregon coast (reminds me of the wonders of the central Portugese
coast...only colder).  

This is wonderful news.  First, and it seems so long ago in this fast-paced
venture (the Internet), NORDUnet showed the world how to make a multi-national,
multi-protocol backbone work for the benefit of the users.  Now, Ebone
promises to do this for all Europe.  NSF is pleased to be able to cooperate
with Ebone as regards intercontinental connectivity.  We wish you the very best
of luck, and we congratulate you on this major achievement.

Steve G.

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