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SIRCE Funding Update

Commitments currently stand at almost 30kECU or "only" 20% of the
expected amunt.  Thanks to the people who made a commitment; they are
listed in chronological order below.  Since commitments are still coming
in we have extended the deadline to Friday November 29th.  See the form
attached.  We are very much interested to know why the response is so
much less than expected.  We will therefore circulate a questionnaire to
get some of the answers. 

Daniel Karrenberg

Organisation name                         Person                commit (ECU)

pi.se AB                                  Pontus Ekman          1000
ACONET                                    Wilfried Woeber       1000
RedIRIS-CSIC                              Victor Castelo        1000
Academic Computer Centre, CYFRONET-KRAKO  Karol Franczak         500
IPGlobal, Informatica e Telecomunicacoes  Pedro Ramalho Carlos   500
Teleport C&S GmbH.                        Christoph Maerk        500
BT Public Internet Service                Nigel Roy Titley      1000
Tele Greenland                            Michael Schultz       1000
SpaceNet GmbH                             Sebastian v. Bomhard   750
Unisource Business Networks Italy         Mauro Magrassi        1000
Sontheimer Datentechnik GmbH              Bernd Sontheimer       500
ECRC GmbH                                 Dave Morton           1000
Tele2/SWIPnet                             Jorgen Ericsson       1000
Nacamar                                   Klaus Landefeld       1000
SIBS - Sociedade Interbancaria de Servic  Jose Eduardo Pina Mi  1000
LITNET                                    Daiva Tamulioniene     500
INRIA                                     Annie Renard           500
EUnet Communications Services BV          Per Gregers Bilse     1500
HogiaNet                                  Kenneth Hybner        1000
AT&T Internet Services                    Tankut Turhan, Henk   1000
CESNET                                    Pavel Vachek           500
OTEnet S.A.                               Theodore Thanopoulos  1000
HEAnet                                    John Hayden           1000
U-NET Limited                             Stuart Muckley         500
Telia AB                                  J=F6rgen I Larsson    1000
GTN                                       Andreas Baess         1000
INS GmbH                                  Andreas Frackowiak    1000
NASK - Research and Academic Network in   Krzysztof Silicki      500
Xlink                                     Michael Rotert        1000
Entreprise des Postes et Telecommunicati  Thierry Coutelier      500
HPT - Croatian Post and Telecomm, Teleco  Ivan Sedinic          1000
Unisource Business Networks (Schweiz) AG  Philip Bridge         1000
Clinet                                    Heikki Suonsivu       1000
InComA Ltd.                               Gregory Dmitriev      1000

                                                        Total: 29250

------ send this form to biling@localhost -------


%FORM [sirce9601]

I herby commit to contribute the ECU amount indicated to the 
SIRCE pilot project as defined in ripe-150 and the documents
it refers to. I confirm that I have authority to commit
my organisation for this contribution. I expect to be invoiced
for this contribution as soon as the project will have started.

Please put information between the brackets.

Please give your full name.

%NAME [ ]

Please give your position in the organisation.

%POS [  ]

Specify the registry ID of your organisation if it has one.

%REGID [ ]

If you have *not* specified a registry ID above, please give the
full organisation name and billing address. We will contact
you for more details if necessary.



Committed amount in ECU. Minimum is ECU 500. Excludes VAT where applicable.


Any billing reference that you may wish to be mentioned on the invoice.



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