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Call for Applications


TERENA is happy to announce the:

Training Workshop: "Providing and Managing a National Network Service"

The Workshop will take place from  6 till 10 May in Budapest, Hungary.

1. Scope of the Networking Workshop.

There are many new emerging research networks in the CEE countries. Up to
date knowledge of the technical personnel in the national network
organisations  is a key issue to provide sound and reliable networking and
information services.

The training programme is designed to provide hands-on training and
provides both theoretical and practical know how. The practical part will
focus on to transfer the experience gained in developed countries (Western
and more advanced CEEC Network organisations) in this field.

Another element of the satisfactory operation of a national network is a
properly organised user support for the end user. A user support group at
the national level has to provide training for the personnel responsible
for the user support at the connected institutions. A catalog of necessary
courses will be discussed and examples of the courseware presented. Special
emphasis will be given to the information services that must be available
to the end users to let them fully utilize the networking infrastructure.
Need for network navigation tools (www, gopher, etc.) and products on the
market will be discussed.

The workshop will be a single track with a limited number of parallel
sessions. There will be taught sessions, supplemented with hands-on
sessions, where appropriate and practicable.

The theme of the workshop is "Providing and Managing a National Network

It is aimed at those who are operating, or are intending to operate a
national-level TCP/IP network for R&D users. It will concentrate on the
technology and network aspects of running a service as well as some
information on other network applications and services. Its primary aim is
the provision of a high level of service to the end-user.

The topics covered will be in the following range:


*          design, setup, and operation of a national TCP/IP
           dedicated  backbone network
*          routing
*          network troubleshooting
*          DNS management
*          NIC name and address coordination.

Host based Services:

*          Network services including (but not limited to): usenet
            news, email
*          information services (www, ftp)
*          caching
*          security and firewalls.
*          networks servers (installation, operation, maintenance)
*          resource databases

User support:

*          operating a helpline service
*          trouble-ticketing
*          Quality of Service
*          User Support groups: organization and tasks

As most of the practical sessions will be using UNIX, a (user - level)
knowledge of the UNIX operating system is essential.

The Workshop will be organised in the week proceeding the annual Joint
European Networking Conference (JENC 7), that will take place from 13 - 16
May, 1996. In the weekend before the JENC, meetings of the TERENA Working
Groups will take place. Workshop participants are invited to join the
TERENA WG's, participate in international cooperative work and  start
building the "human network" that will help them in the future.

An additional Tutorial will take place before the Conference, on High speed
Technology. This are at present a hot subject, that will be of interest  to
those planning the move to higher speeds for the National Research
Networks. The trainees will have choice to attend the Tutorial.

During the Conference, there is a half day devoted to the 4 Framework
projects working in the Research and Education Networking area. This will
give the participants an excellent chance to learn the mainstream of
European research in the telematics applications.

2. The present programme

At the present stage in the detailed planning of the Workshop, the
following tentative schedule is defined

6 May 1996:    Network technology - theory and practical

AM             Routing in a wide area TCP/IP network

PM             Practical: build 2 national level networks
               Using the provided equipment. Connect them
7 May 1996:    Network configuration and management

AM    :        Continued practical work

PM             Maintaining a National level DNS service
8 May 1996:    Providing national-level user services.

               Organising and running user service

               Running a helpline service

9 May 1996:     Network organisation and management issues

AM              Routing Registy and IP address allocation.

PM              Operation of a Local Registry; interaction
                with RIPE NCC


10 May 1996:    Network infrastructure and conservation

AM              Building a caching infrastructure for PM
                bandwidth savings

3. Who should attend the Workshop

The intention is to provide technicians who are already running networking
services locally or nationally with additional training and experience on
building national and international infrastructure.

Participants will be expected to have a basic knowledge in the principles
of TCP/IP based networking and the technical structure of the Internet in
general. In addition, a knowledge of the following subjects is desirable
though not essential: DNS, BGP/OSPF, CIDR, MBONE, TCP/UDP based services.

Participants will be expected to disseminate the knowledge gained at the
workshop at the national level within their respective countries.

Participation is strictly by invitation. The number of participants per
country is limited.

The questionnaire that the candidates should fill out is in the Appendix.
The applications should be sent to


before 5 April, 1996.

Programme Committee will perform the final selection of the participants.


A. Personal data:


First Name:

Home Address:

Home Telephone:


Business Address:

Business Telephone:

Business Fax:


B. Description of the candidate's role in National Networking Activities:

Please give a summary of your educational background:

2. Please supply a description of your current employer, position, duties
and responsibilities and how they relate to current and future data
networking activities in your country:

3. Please outline details of work you have done with internetworking, and
what you hope to achieve in the future with the help of the knowledge
gained at the workshop:

4. How you expect to disseminate the knowledge you gain through attendance
at the workshop:

This information will be used to determine whether to admit a candidate to
the workshop.

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