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Minutes 71st Executive Board Meeting

19 March 2010, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam, 1300-1800

Author: Paul Rendek
Date: 2010/03/26
Revision No.: 1.1
Status: Final
Maintainer: Sabine Mader


Dmitry Burkov, ICANN Liaison
Nigel Titley, Chairman
Andreas Wittkemper, Secretary
János Zsakó, Treasurer

Rob Blokzijl, Chairman, RIPE (via tele-conference)
Sabine Mader, Assistant to the Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Paul Rendek, Head of External Relations and Comms., RIPE NCC
Jochem de Ruig, Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC


  • 1. Agenda / Comments
    • 1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
    • 1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#70
    • 1.3 Date of Next Meetings
  • 2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda
  • 3. Report from the RIPE NCC
    • 3.1 Policy Update
    • 3.2 Update on Treasury
  • Lunch break 1200-1230
  • 4. Approval of Annual and Financial Reports
    • 4.1 Review Auditors' Draft Management Letter
    • 4.2 Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report
    • 4.3 Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report
  • 5. External Relations
    • 5.1 ICANN / IANA
    • 5.2 NRO / RIRs
    • 5.3 ITU
    • 5.4 RIPE
    • 5.5 IETF
  • 6. Preparation General Meeting
    • 6.1 Draft Agenda & Draft Resolutions
    • 6.2 Candidates
    • 6.3 E-voting
  • 7. AOB
    • 7.1 Admin issues (travel expenses/receipts, documents to be signed)

Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC Chairman, opened the meeting at 12:35.

1. Agenda / Comments

No comments or additions to the agenda were made.

1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points

Apologies received from Fahad AlShirawi who could not be present at the meeting. No new agenda points were added.

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#70

The Chairman asked if there were any final amendments to the minutes of the Executive Board meeting #70.

Following discussion, minor changes were proposed and agreed by the Board. The minutes of the Executive Board meeting #70 were approved.

1.3 Date of Next Meetings

Two separate meetings were proposed around RIPE-60, one session on Monday, 3 May at 12:30. The second session will take place on Wednesday, 5 May at 12:30.

The Executive Board Meeting #72 will take place on 15 June 2010 at 13:00 at the RIPE NCC offices in Amsterdam. Lunch is served prior to the meeting at 12:00.

The Executive Board Meeting #73 will take place on 28 September 2010 in Moscow.

2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda

It was noted that the outstanding action items have been inserted into the agenda points. It was agreed that they would be covered in each section of the agenda as they appear.

EB155 11/03/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to produce a list of performance areas that would be reported to the Board monthly and every quarter. Status: 03/06/2009 - Ongoing. Axel has produced an initial set of performance areas as a starting point. This will be extended as necessary based on Board input.
Status: 02/09/2009 - Nigel confirmed that he had an initial review but asked for the material to be sent to the Board list for final comment. Ongoing
Status 02/12/2009: Ongoing
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - The Board asked for a completed set of performance measures delivered in time for their meeting in June 2010.

EB173 02/09/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to produce a financial plan to take TTM and related services to a break-even point. The plan should be presented at the December 2009 Board meeting.
Status 2/12/2009: Ongoing
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - A verbal update was given. Agreement was reached to review a presentation on the topic via a teleconference to be scheduled.

EB185 02/12/2009 AP
Fahad and Axel to both produce a list of implied requirements for measuring RIPE NCC performance to meet the requirements of a Customer Service Index. Both lists will be sent to the Board list for further discussion.
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing

3. Report from the RIPE NCC

Axel published the RIPE NCC report prior to the meeting for Executive Board review. The Board raised no questions about the published report. Axel provided a brief update on recent external activities; the RIRs participated at the ITU IPv6 Group Meeting in Geneva and also held an RIR/LEA Meeting in London. There was discussion in the Board.

ACTION: The Board asked Axel to produce a document outlining the legal procedures at the RIPE NCC in cases involving criminal activity including revocation of address space.

ACTION: The Board asked Axel to continue work to ensure that a solid arbitration process is in place at the RIPE NCC and report back to the Board.

The Board thanked Axel for his report.

3.1 Policy Update

Axel provided the Board with a policy update document prior to the Board meeting. He commented that he would continue to provide an update on RIPE policy developments on a monthly basis, with the addition of a section on policy impact on the RIPE NCC.

The Board agreed that this would be a useful exercise.

3.2 Update on Treasury

Jochem provided a brief review of a draft RIPE NCC Treasury statute. The document outlined the intention of the Treasury statute and the items that need to be discussed to produce such a document.

Janos commented that he would prefer to keep investments of reserves to deposits in banks and government bonds. He does not think the RIPE NCC should extend investments to corporate bonds and equity. The Board agreed with this. The Board agreed that they would like to keep these kinds of investments to first class government bonds, with an AAA/AA+ or equivalent rating level.

The Board agreed to produce a document that outlines the position of the RIPE NCC in respect to Treasury procedures and Treasury management.

ACTION: Janos will work with the RIPE NCC to outline the points to include in the Treasury document to be approved by the Board. The document is to be delivered for discussion at the upcoming Board meeting on 15 June 2010.

EB179 02/12/2009 AP
Axel was asked to invest 2 million EUR in a fixed year deposit. In March 2010, Axel to provide the Board with proposals for RIPE NCC deposits that requires re-negotiation with banks.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

Lunch break 1200-1230

4. Approval of Annual and Financial Reports

Jochem presented a review of the Annual and Financial Report for 2009. The Board discussed the report.

4.1 Review Auditors' Draft Management Letter

The Board reviewed the contents of the Auditors' Management Letter.

The Board discussed the agreed method to handle Board expenses for RIPE NCC activities. It was agreed that Board expenses are to be signed off by Axel and that receipts should be submitted for RIPE NCC related business expenses.

4.2 Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report

The Board reviewed the Financial Report. Subject to typographical changes the Board agreed to approve the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2009.

4.3 Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report

The Chairman asked the Board to bring any last comments forward on the text of the Annual Report 2009.

After discussion the Board approved the RIPE NCC Annual Report 2009.

The Board expressed their thanks in putting together a very good Annual Report.

5. External Relations


Dmitry provided an update from the recent ICANN Meeting. He gave an update on the root signing activity. Dmitry also brought up the statement issued by the IAB in relation to RPKI. He stated that the issue of RPKI needed to be discussed in more detail in the RIPE community.

Dmitry brought up the issue of the IANA contract renewal. Dmitry believes that the RIPE community needs to start discussion about this issue and that the ASO should play a role in the discussions within the RIR communities.

Following discussion the Board agreed that the community and membership should be engaged in discussion to give the Board direction on the way forward.

5.2 NRO / RIRs

EB182 02/12/2009 AP
Axel was asked to encourage close NRO coordination with the IAB/IETF on RPKI trust anchor issues.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB183 02/12/2009 AP Axel was asked to work with his RIR colleagues to finalise the NRO incorporation documentation and provide the Board with an executive summary of the outcome.
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - Axel awaiting final documentation

Axel reported that the NRO incorporation documentation has been discussed and is currently being updated. He added that NRO incorporation could be carried out quickly should all RIR Boards agree to incorporate.

5.3 ITU

EB184 02/12/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to investigate the appropriate ITU sector membership and notify the Board of the appropriate way forward.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

Axel provided an update on ITU activities. The recent ITU IPv6 Group Meeting was discussed during the lunch break.

Axel notified the Board that the RIPE NCC has secured membership for both ITU-D and ITU-T sectors. Access to ITU documentation and meetings for these sectors was now available to the RIPE NCC.

ACTION: Axel to arrange for Board members to have accounts set-up for the ITU doc. store.

5.4 RIPE

Rob provided an update on the logistics and agenda for the upcoming RIPE Meeting in May in Prague. He mentioned that registration was open and that a solid amount of registrations have been received to date.

Rob reported on discussions on the WG Chairs mailing list about RIPE operations and RIPE meetings. He mentioned that he was planning focused group meetings for the Chairs on specific topics. He stated that this would be discussed in more detail at the WG Chairs meetings in Prague.

5.5 IETF

The Board covered IETF discussions in agenda point 5.2

6. Preparation General Meeting

The Board discussed preparations for the upcoming GM in Prague.

E-voting was raised for discussion. Axel explained that documentation would be distributed to explain the e-voting system and process. The instructions will be sent to the membership in General Meeting announcements sent to the membership. The Board agreed that the time allocation for e-voting would be 15 minutes. Axel mentioned that there is a back-up plan for e-voting if the system fails onsite. After further discussion the Board asked the RIPE NCC to submit its detailed plans for e-voting to the Board for review.

ACTION: Axel to provide the Board with detailed plans for e-voting at the May 2010 GM.

The Chairman stated that the upcoming GM would be a closed meeting as usual, intended only for the RIPE NCC membership. He added that a Webcast of the meeting would be made available for members.

6.1 Draft Agenda & Draft Resolutions

The Board reviewed the draft agenda for the May 2010 GM.

The Board agreed to add an agenda point to request feedback on the new e-voting process. This will help the RIPE NCC to make any necessary changes to the system.

ACTION: The Board asked Axel to update the draft agenda for publication to the RIPE NCC membership.

6.2 Candidates

The Board discussed potential candidates for the Board elections at the May 2010 GM.

6.3 E-voting

EB180 02/12/2009 AP
Axel to produce the specifications needed to enable e-voting for the May 2010 RIPE NCC General meeting no later than 18 December 2010.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB181 02/12/2009 AP
Axel to choose an e-voting system no later than 14 January 2010.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

7. AOB

7.1 Admin issues (travel expenses/receipts, documents to be signed)

The Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 16:10.

Outstanding Action Items:

EB155 11/03/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to produce a list of performance areas that would be reported to the Board monthly and every quarter.
Status: 03/06/2009 - Ongoing. Axel has produced an initial set of performance areas as a starting point. This will be extended as necessary based on Board input.
Status: 02/09/2009 - Nigel confirmed that he had an initial review but asked for the material to be sent to the Board list for final comment. Ongoing
Status 02/12/2009: Ongoing
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - The Board asked for a completed set of performance measures delivered in time for their meeting in June 2010.

EB173 02/09/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to produce a financial plan to take TTM and related services to a break-even point. The plan should be presented at the December 2009 Board meeting.
Status 2/12/2009: Ongoing
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - A verbal update was given. Agreement was reached to review a presentation on the topic via a teleconference to be scheduled.

EB179 02/12/2009 AP
Axel was asked to invest 2 million EUR in a fixed year deposit. In March 2010, Axel to provide the Board with proposals for RIPE NCC deposits that requires re-negotiation with banks.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB180 02/12/2009 AP
Axel to produce the specifications needed to enable e-voting for the May 2010 RIPE NCC General meeting no later than 18 December 2010.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB181 02/12/2009 AP
Axel to choose an e-voting system no later than 14 January 2010.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB182 2009/12/02 AP
Axel was asked to encourage close NRO coordination with the IAB/IETF on RPKI trust anchor issues.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB183 02/12/2009 AP
Axel was asked to work with his RIR colleagues to finalise the NRO incorporation documentation and provide the Board with an executive summary of the outcome.
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - Axel awaiting final documentation

EB184 02/12/2009 AP
The Board asked Axel to investigate the appropriate ITU sector membership and notify the Board of the appropriate way forward.
Status 19/3/2010: DONE

EB185 02/12/2009 AP
Fahad and Axel to both produce a list of implied requirements for measuring RIPE NCC performance to meet the requirements of a Customer Service Index. Both lists will be sent to the Board list for further discussion.
Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing

New Action Items:

EB186 19/03/2010 AP
The Board asked Axel to produce a document outlining the legal procedures at the RIPE NCC in cases involving criminal activity including revocation of address space.

EB187 19/03/2010 AP
The Board asked Axel to continue work to ensure that a solid arbitration process is in place at the RIPE NCC and report back to the Board.

EB188 19/03/2010 AP
Janos will work with the RIPE NCC to outline the points to include in the Treasury document to be approved by the Board. The document is to be delivered for discussion at the upcoming Board meeting on 15 June 2010.

EB189 19/03/2010 AP
Axel to arrange for Board members to have accounts set-up for the ITU doc. store.

EB190 19/03/2010 AP
Axel to provide the Board with detailed plans for e-voting at the May 2010 GM.

EB191 19/03/2010 AP
The Board asked Axel to update the draft agenda for publication to the RIPE NCC membership.

--- end