20040910 12:21:36 | jabber@irc | jabber has joined the channel. 20040910 12:21:36 | OperServ@irc | OperServ has joined the channel. 20040910 13:21:53 | jabber@irc | jabber has joined the channel. 20040920 18:55:30 | jabber@irc | jabber has joined the channel. 20040920 18:55:30 | OperServ@irc | OperServ has joined the channel. 20040921 10:59:06 | bruce@jabber | bruce has become available 20040921 11:16:29 | bruce@jabber | bruce has left 20040921 11:37:12 | koopal@irc | koopal has joined the channel. 20040921 12:34:09 | dfk@jabber | dfk has become available 20040921 12:35:24 | dominic@jabber | dominic has become available 20040921 12:39:22 | dfk@jabber | dfk has left 20040921 12:40:07 | Doug@jabber | Doug has become available 20040921 12:41:50 | dfk@jabber | dfk has become available 20040921 12:48:43 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has become available 20040921 12:51:52 | Doug@jabber | Doug has left 20040921 12:51:57 | dfk@jabber | plenary finishes, ncc-services starts 20040921 12:52:00 | dfk@jabber | dfk has left 20040921 12:52:07 | koopal@irc | koopal has left the channel. 20040921 12:52:12 | koopal@irc | koopal has joined the channel. 20040921 13:00:31 | becha@irc | becha has joined the channel. 20040921 13:01:02 | becha@irc | becha has left the channel. 20040921 13:17:27 | peter@jabber | peter has become available 20040921 13:27:17 | peter@jabber | peter has left 20040921 13:37:39 | peter@jabber | peter has become available 20040921 13:37:49 | peter@jabber | peter has left 20040921 13:39:32 | dominic@jabber | dominic has left 20040921 13:43:40 | koopal@irc | koopal has left the channel. 20040921 13:44:16 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has left 20040921 16:13:56 | mawi@jabber | mawi has become available 20040921 16:14:23 | mawi@jabber | mawi has left 20040923 13:45:23 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has become available 20040923 13:45:29 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has left 20040923 14:32:55 | peter@jabber | peter has become available 20040923 14:34:37 | jhma@jabber | jhma has become available 20040923 14:34:51 | koopal@irc | koopal has joined the channel. 20040923 14:36:30 | BECHA@irc | BECHA has joined the channel. 20040923 14:37:10 | webcast@jabber | webcast has become available 20040923 14:43:17 | willem@jabber | willem has become available 20040923 14:44:41 | evilmarq@irc | evilmarq has joined the channel. 20040923 14:44:42 | evilmarq@irc | rah 20040923 14:48:30 | koopal@irc | koopal quit IRC altogether 20040923 14:48:31 | koopal@irc | koopal has joined the channel. 20040923 14:51:24 | jlawrence@irc | jlawrence has joined the channel. 20040923 14:54:56 | Jay@jabber | Jay has become available 20040923 14:55:07 | Jay@jabber | Jay has left 20040923 14:55:19 | marcoh@irc | marcoh has joined the channel. 20040923 14:55:32 | ian@jabber | ian has become available 20040923 14:55:32 | Jay@jabber | Jay has become available 20040923 14:55:59 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has become available 20040923 14:57:08 | henk@jabber | henk has become available 20040923 14:57:26 | rhe@jabber | rhe has become available 20040923 15:00:47 | willem@jabber | Plenary not starting yet? 20040923 15:01:07 | koopal@irc | they stopped the music 20040923 15:01:15 | marcoh@irc | started 20040923 15:01:27 | willem@jabber | we're recording 20040923 15:01:33 | marcoh@irc | current speaker: Axel on NRO 20040923 15:01:38 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has become available 20040923 15:02:03 | willem@jabber | peter: can you make sure we get more volume? 20040923 15:02:46 | dominic@jabber | dominic has become available 20040923 15:02:49 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has become available 20040923 15:02:54 | huggie@irc | huggie has joined the channel. 20040923 15:03:00 | webmaster@jabber | Number Resource Organization (NRO) Update by Axel Pawlik 20040923 15:03:15 | peter@jabber | cranked it up 20040923 15:03:28 | peter@jabber | this is all we can get 20040923 15:03:52 | peter@jabber | willem: is it better now? 20040923 15:04:20 | willem@jabber | peter: yeah, better. A little more wouldn't harm though 20040923 15:04:48 | willem@jabber | peter: yellow levels are okay.. 20040923 15:05:22 | rumy@jabber | rumy has become available 20040923 15:05:41 | peter@jabber | willem: still in the green area mostly, but it's maxed out now 20040923 15:06:45 | marcoh@irc | willem: it's allowed to have an ocassional red ligth, at least that's what they told me when I got in the PA business 20040923 15:06:57 | marcoh@irc | (but that where rock bands, not conferences) 20040923 15:08:34 | willem@jabber | peter: for me it's okay now. 20040923 15:09:31 | willem@jabber | peter: thjanks. 20040923 15:09:42 | peter@jabber | willem: sure 20040923 15:13:15 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has left 20040923 15:13:56 | willem@jabber | marcoh: late reaction, a little red is okay, it only means that sound is chopped of.. 20040923 15:14:19 | koopal@irc | sound is fine over the webcast btw 20040923 15:15:22 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040923 15:15:23 | dominic@jabber | dominic has left 20040923 15:15:40 | dominic@jabber | dominic has become available 20040923 15:16:42 | RobL@irc | RobL has joined the channel. 20040923 15:18:08 | henk@jabber | Can whoever operates the cameras stop switching between speaker, speaker view 2 and screen, just 20040923 15:18:17 | henk@jabber | the screen makes it better to follow. 20040923 15:30:55 | colin@irc | colin has joined the channel. 20040923 15:31:58 | webcast@jabber | webcast has left 20040923 15:45:06 | huggie@irc | huggie has left the channel. 20040923 15:49:30 | marcoh@irc | policy lunch is good plan 20040923 15:49:36 | marcoh@irc | will take forever :P 20040923 15:49:44 | evilmarq@irc | as are meetings in fiji 20040923 15:50:42 | marcoh@irc | marq: time to start talkink about business in AP then 20040923 15:50:45 | jlawrence@irc | fiji sounds much nicer/warmer than Manchester 20040923 15:51:20 | marcoh@irc | wwould you notice John, your always standing at the bar :) 20040923 15:51:28 | marcoh@irc | wow yellow 20040923 15:52:04 | rumy@jabber | ouch 20040923 15:52:30 | marcoh@irc | where's are my sunglasses ? 20040923 15:55:13 | henk@jabber | henk has left 20040923 15:55:28 | koopal@irc | very bad color's to read over the webcast ... 20040923 15:56:52 | peter@jabber | it's quite hard on the eyes on the screen too 20040923 15:57:31 | jhma@jabber | jhma has left 20040923 16:00:19 | marcoh@irc | btw: did utransit handout those shirts ? 20040923 16:00:39 | marcoh@irc | (forgot about that one) 20040923 16:00:41 | jlawrence@irc | marcoh: not that I've seen 20040923 16:01:55 | marcoh@irc | hmmm, time to have a chat with them 20040923 16:02:10 | marcoh@irc | see if they have any left 20040923 16:08:49 | toshi@jabber | toshi has become available 20040923 16:09:20 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040923 16:09:20 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040923 16:09:20 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040923 16:10:27 | dominic@jabber | dominic has left 20040923 16:12:31 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040923 16:12:40 | jlawrence@irc | marcoh: would do, but I don't know any of the utransit guys. 20040923 16:15:21 | marcoh@irc | jlawrence look for a t-shirt :P 20040923 16:15:45 | marcoh@irc | either it's utransit staff or somebody who can tell you who gave him that shirt 20040923 16:15:59 | jlawrence@irc | good point :) 20040923 16:24:32 | Jay@jabber | Jay has left 20040923 16:28:42 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040923 16:28:48 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040923 16:29:14 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040923 16:35:10 | jlawrence@irc | wonder what the wife would think about moving to the US ? 20040923 16:37:04 | koopal@irc | wasn't icann going to start a brussel office? 20040923 16:39:10 | nathalie@jabber | ooh cape town sounds good! 20040923 16:39:29 | marcoh@irc | explain that to my manager please :P 20040923 16:41:19 | jlawrence@irc | yes, I think getting to that will be hard work - and would require a serious brown tongue. 20040923 16:46:20 | ian@jabber | ian has left 20040923 16:48:07 | rhe@jabber | rhe has left 20040923 16:49:57 | colin@irc | the encoder so does not like any of these presentations 20040923 16:51:10 | peter@jabber | not at all :( 20040923 16:51:47 | colin@irc | seems to be mplayer specifc p[roblems 20040923 16:52:30 | willem@jabber | colin: mplayer should have no problems.. 20040923 16:54:39 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has left 20040923 16:54:47 | jlawrence@irc | 900 ? ballot answers - is he from Florida ? 20040923 16:54:48 | rumy@jabber | rumy has left 20040923 16:55:06 | peter@jabber | peter has left 20040923 16:55:20 | jlawrence@irc | jlawrence quit IRC altogether 20040923 16:55:20 | toshi@jabber | toshi has left 20040923 16:57:59 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has left 20040923 17:02:12 | willem@jabber | willem has left 20040923 23:23:56 | BECHA@irc | BECHA quit IRC altogether 20040924 02:27:33 | colin@irc | colin quit IRC altogether 20040924 02:27:44 | colin@irc | colin has joined the channel. 20040924 08:06:40 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has become available 20040924 08:16:38 | webmaster@jabber | The plenary session will be starting at 09:30 UK Time (10.30 CET) 20040924 08:21:30 | webcast@jabber | webcast has become available 20040924 08:31:43 | rhe@jabber | rhe has become available 20040924 08:33:21 | webmaster@jabber | Plenary session started 20040924 08:36:04 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has become available 20040924 08:37:19 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040924 08:38:29 | dominic@jabber | dominic has become available 20040924 08:41:56 | koopal@irc | splitting the ripemeeting in technical/policy might make the technical part indeed more independend 20040924 08:42:25 | rumy@jabber | rumy has become available 20040924 08:42:36 | koopal@irc | basicly indeed making the policy part also a little bit more ncc focussed 20040924 08:42:43 | jhma@jabber | jhma has become available 20040924 08:43:10 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has become available 20040924 08:44:36 | koopal@irc | a lot of the operator contant has also been in wg's like routing and dns 20040924 08:44:54 | koopal@irc | so don't only call the EOF operator content (please relay) 20040924 08:46:25 | rumy@jabber | (you there Matthew?) 20040924 08:46:25 | rumy@jabber | 20040924 08:46:28 | jhma@jabber | jhma has left 20040924 08:46:59 | jhma@irc | jhma has joined the channel. 20040924 08:47:29 | arno@jabber | arno has become available 20040924 08:47:34 | koopal@irc | hmm, rob already worded a little bit what I mend 20040924 08:47:59 | rumy@jabber | good... I'm sorry koopal, people should be confused who should relay... 20040924 08:47:59 | rumy@jabber | 20040924 08:48:09 | rumy@jabber | any volunteers? or else I can do it... 20040924 08:48:35 | Jay@jabber | Jay has become available 20040924 08:54:08 | bruce@irc | bruce has joined the channel. 20040924 09:14:13 | Jay@jabber | what is moonv6? 20040924 09:16:17 | maxxwell@jabber | http://www.moonv6.org/ 20040924 09:16:17 | rhe@jabber | Jay: US native v6 network www.moonv6.org 20040924 09:16:25 | rhe@jabber | :) 20040924 09:17:19 | rhe@jabber | Jim was presenting about it again at the v6 deployment conference in michaealgelo room this morning, but I think he was first on the agenda, so probably finished by now. 20040924 09:20:09 | mawi@jabber | mawi has become available 20040924 09:25:45 | vlevigneron@jabber | vlevigneron has become available 20040924 09:25:45 | vlevigneron@jabber | vlevigneron has left 20040924 09:25:57 | vlevigneron@jabber | vlevigneron has become available 20040924 09:28:12 | rhe@jabber | rhe has left 20040924 09:28:58 | Jay@jabber | Jay has left 20040924 09:29:22 | mawi@jabber | mawi has left 20040924 09:31:29 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040924 09:31:29 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040924 09:31:29 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040924 09:45:31 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has left 20040924 09:50:12 | jlawrence@irc | jlawrence has joined the channel. 20040924 09:51:21 | rumy@jabber | becha are you there by any chance? 20040924 10:04:14 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has become available 20040924 10:05:28 | mawi@jabber | mawi has become available 20040924 10:05:53 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has become available 20040924 10:10:25 | Jay@jabber | Jay has become available 20040924 10:10:57 | webmaster@jabber | /me waves 20040924 10:12:11 | Daniel Roesen@jabber | special thanks to the fine folks who made the webcast/jabber relay possible 20040924 10:12:30 | Daniel Roesen@jabber | first time I was able to attend RIPE meeting because of this 20040924 10:13:56 | mawi@jabber | on behalf of the NCC, tnx for those kind words 20040924 10:14:25 | koopal@irc | and I second Daniel's comment 20040924 10:15:02 | Daniel Roesen@jabber | so when do we get the beercast going? ;) 20040924 10:22:41 | ian@jabber | ian has become available 20040924 10:31:03 | webmaster@jabber | http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/anti-spam/r49-minutes.html 20040924 10:37:17 | Jay@jabber | Jay has left 20040924 11:03:18 | mawi@jabber | mawi has left 20040924 11:03:21 | mawi@jabber | mawi has become available 20040924 11:03:23 | Daniel Roesen@jabber | we need the slides! ;) 20040924 11:04:00 | koopal@irc | yep 20040924 11:12:48 | webmaster@jabber | Ace of Base? 20040924 11:13:15 | nathalie@jabber | nathalie has left 20040924 11:13:23 | webmaster@jabber | Yes, You go Jim! 20040924 11:13:31 | arno@jabber | Bo Kaspers Orkester, Swedens best! 20040924 11:13:37 | webmaster@jabber | The Hives! 20040924 11:13:47 | ian@jabber | ian has left 20040924 11:14:27 | vlevigneron@jabber | vlevigneron has left 20040924 11:14:53 | rumy@jabber | rumy has left 20040924 11:14:54 | maxxwell@jabber | :wq 20040924 11:14:54 | arno@jabber | arno has left 20040924 11:14:59 | maxxwell@jabber | maxxwell has left 20040924 11:15:05 | mawi@jabber | mawi has left 20040924 11:15:42 | dominic@jabber | dominic has left 20040924 11:15:50 | jlawrence@irc | jlawrence quit IRC altogether 20040924 11:15:58 | marcoh@irc | marcoh has left the channel. 20040924 11:17:10 | webmaster@jabber | webmaster has left 20040924 11:20:16 | koopal@irc | koopal has left the channel. 20040924 11:22:04 | jhma@irc | jhma quit IRC altogether 20040924 11:34:09 | colin@irc | colin quit IRC altogether 20040924 11:34:42 | colin@irc | colin has joined the channel. 20040924 12:01:22 | tk_@jabber | tk_ has left 20040924 12:08:10 | webcast@jabber | webcast has left 20040924 13:03:50 | colin@irc | colin quit IRC altogether 20040924 13:03:50 | evilmarq@irc | evilmarq quit IRC altogether 20040924 13:03:50 | bruce@irc | bruce quit IRC altogether 20040924 13:03:50 | RobL@irc | RobL quit IRC altogether 20040924 13:24:32 | colin@irc | colin has joined the channel. 20040924 13:24:32 | bruce@irc | bruce has joined the channel. 20040924 13:24:32 | RobL@irc | RobL has joined the channel. 20040924 13:24:32 | evilmarq@irc | evilmarq has joined the channel. 20040924 13:57:49 | colin@irc | colin has left the channel.