Available bandwidth

Dear Ian and Henk,

I am Andrei Sukhov from Samara, Russia.  About one year ago we have installed RIPE Test Box at Samara State Aerospace University (tt143). The data from this box help us in network research.

Unfortunately, measurements of available bandwidth was announced amount the services but it is still unrealized. But we need in this data for video delivering.

I’d like to suppose the method for estimation of available bandwidth which does not demand the advanced utilities. This method is based on the measurement of network delay D for packets of different sizes W. The simple expression for available bandwidth B_av =(W2-W1)/(D2-D1) is substantiated.

The full text of paper will be showed at arXiv.org tommorow. PDF versition is attached to this letter.

Sincerely,  Andrei Sukhov

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