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Re: New chair for the TT-WG

Dear All,

Thank you for the welcome wishes. 

I'd like to introduce myself ... I work at Agilent Labs in Palo Alto, California. Agilent, in case you have not heard of it, is a US$6B company involved in testing, semiconductors, telecommunications and life sciences. I work with the OSS, Router Tester & network monitoring product groups.

I have been in this position for several years, after a long time as a development engineer working on operating systems and network management ( HP Openview ). 

My research interest is in BGP in particular and routing monitoring in general. I think it would be useful to understand the relationship between active tests and BGP. Recent research suggests that BGP instability may be a reasonable predictor of traffic problems and vice-versa.

As the TTM data is becoming publicly available ( announced at RIPE45 ), the task of studying this correlation has been made much easier.

I would like to hear from you ( both off & on the list ) with a description of why and how you use TTM today and what you would like to see in the future.

Also, as you all know, RIPE46 is taking place in Amsterdam, September 1-5. I am looking for presenters, whether their work is or not related to TTM. I'd like to see topics that are of a hands-on nature, involving active measurements in network monitoring/root cause analysis/etc. This is just a preference, but I am open to your suggestions.

Please feel free to drop me a note with any questions or suggestions you may have.



Alexander Tudor
Agilent Labs
3500 Deer Creek Road M/S 24M-A
Palo, California 94304
(email) atudor@localhost
(tel)     650.485.2704

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