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Re: Data Publishing Policy?

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Dimitrios Kalogeras wrote:

> > > So I would like you to grant me permission to publish the corresponding
> > > tt42 row of the matrix which shows the results to my downstream peers.

> > This is a detail, but you need to show both the row and column refering to
> > tt42.  The row shows the one way delays from tt42 to another side, the
> > column the one-way delays from other sides to your test-box.

> You are right the complete network's view comes form the row and the
> column view..  However I do sympathize the other's concernd.  So at this
> intial step I would only ask for the one direction (outgoing) being
> password free.  The other direction could be password protected in any
> of the following ways, since it does not originates from my domain.

Yes, but we are doing 1-way delays and losses while most of your users
will do work that involves two-way communication: send a packet and get an
acknowledgement or data back.  The performance that they see, will depend
on the 1-way delays and losses in both directions.  We already see that
these often differ by a lot, so in order to give an honest picture, we
should give both plots.

Also note that in a lot of cases, we are talking about the same physical
cables, so when we publish something about delays in one direction, we
already say something about the reverse path.  We then might as well give
the whole picture.

> > Anyway, more people have asked for this, so I think we should reconsider
> > the basic options that we have here:

> > 2. Change the passwork scheme such that the host sites get 2 passwords,
> >    one for the full page and one for the page with their plots.  They can
> >    give the second password to their customers.  

> I have  fifty different customers.. Do I use personalized passwords or the
> same one for all of my customers ?. In the later case I have to admit that
> the password checking procedure is not so straight forward.

I'd say 1 password that you can give to all your customers after they have
read RIPE-180 and agreed with it's contents.  This password gives access
to the plots from/to your test-box.  

If I extrapolate the number of "I forgot my password" messages for 40
boxes with a single password, to 40 boxes with 50 passwords, then I think
that this is highly impractical.


Henk Uijterwaal                    Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre     WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
Singel 258                         Phone: +31.20.535-4414,  Fax -4445
1016 AB Amsterdam                   Home: +31.20.4195305
The Netherlands                   Mobile: +31.6.55861746  

The Committee (...) was unable to reach a consensus that substantial merit was
lacking. Thus, the appeal was deemed meritorious.          (Orlando NABC #19).

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