From risops at Mon Feb 2 02:43:14 2004 From: risops at (Generic RIS account) Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 01:43:14 GMT Subject: RIS Statistics Report Message-ID: <> RIS Statistics Report (20040127-20040202) This report was generated at Mon Feb 2 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 APNIC 24071 24035 22133 23144 23563 21483 13143 9620 23116 12628 9 ARIN 55938 55851 48913 54377 55616 49392 18661 11647 55268 22696 27 LACNIC 5092 5091 4697 5012 5036 4913 2690 1978 5086 2467 0 RIPE NCC 35142 21422 19530 20947 34780 17837 13311 9231 21067 13044 2105 OLD 29703 29595 25254 27847 29417 23948 11635 7320 28624 11549 138 IANA 34 34 32 34 34 34 24 15 29 27 4 RFC1918 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 149982 136029 120561 131361 148446 117608 59464 39811 133190 62411 2283 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 9652 9638 8797 9511 9605 9209 4563 3607 9581 5171 34 APNIC 1953 1952 1904 1924 1950 1883 1216 1040 1937 1350 6 RIPE NCC 5156 5145 4812 5135 5151 4442 3704 2955 5134 3839 982 LACNIC 42 42 39 39 41 41 28 23 42 27 0 IANA 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 Private 17 15 8 7 14 10 6 5 9 2 3 Others 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Total 16823 16794 15562 16617 16764 15587 9518 7631 16704 10390 1025 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 2996 3372 4215 5738 3563 5037 1649 1401 4312 2386 21 APNIC 577 644 801 1084 678 1016 426 337 916 653 6 RIPE NCC 1550 1756 1980 2511 1797 2211 1384 1201 2194 1603 651 LACNIC 20 21 19 24 20 25 13 12 23 15 0 IANA 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 Private 11 11 3 4 8 7 3 2 6 1 1 Others 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Total 5156 5805 7020 9362 6068 8298 3476 2954 7452 4659 679 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 6656 6266 4582 3773 6042 4172 2914 2206 5269 2785 13 APNIC 1376 1308 1103 840 1272 867 790 703 1021 697 0 RIPE NCC 3606 3389 2832 2624 3354 2231 2320 1754 2940 2236 331 LACNIC 22 21 20 15 21 16 15 11 19 12 0 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 6 4 5 3 6 3 3 3 3 1 2 Others 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11667 10989 8542 7255 10696 7289 6042 4677 9252 5731 346 IANA : AS64198 AS50578 Others: AS65535 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Leaf 13992 14050 13022 14147 14056 13157 7299 5748 14085 8206 765 Transit 2729 2652 2384 2386 2608 2254 1717 1260 2517 1765 165 Transit-only 102 92 156 84 100 176 502 623 102 419 95 Total 16823 16794 15562 16617 16764 15587 9518 7631 16704 10390 1025 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Avg 6.03 5.95 5.85 5.65 6.14 6.04 6.07 6.54 6.06 5.86 6.51 Std 2.37 2.36 2.35 2.41 2.39 2.28 2.47 2.24 2.32 2.45 3.23 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 8548 23987 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 13877 144671 19864 135645 4589 122879 4519 75836 4519 74801 14367 63011 18237 59405 18237 58342 14367 57156 15642 51919 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 334 From risops at Mon Feb 9 02:51:35 2004 From: risops at (Generic RIS account) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 01:51:35 GMT Subject: RIS Statistics Report Message-ID: <> RIS Statistics Report (20040203-20040209) This report was generated at Mon Feb 9 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 APNIC 23666 23434 20130 13144 23217 21853 23009 23535 22947 22723 22592 ARIN 56384 56087 53745 39763 55752 45739 54809 56126 55722 54621 54191 LACNIC 5817 5816 4854 3629 5753 5516 5812 5813 5814 5089 5084 RIPE NCC 34463 21738 17460 13083 34027 16182 21226 21210 21504 20773 20771 OLD 31021 30795 27323 18523 30477 25115 29704 30226 30398 28948 27723 IANA 49 49 48 45 49 43 48 48 48 47 3 RFC1918 64 6 0 0 9 0 49 0 6 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 151464 137925 123560 88187 149284 114448 134657 136958 136439 132201 130364 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 9687 9670 9447 7970 9623 8698 9614 9592 9657 9579 9468 APNIC 1951 1948 1821 1443 1944 1876 1929 1940 1933 1926 1919 RIPE NCC 5153 5145 4484 3902 5147 4224 5132 5122 5138 5120 5110 LACNIC 43 43 40 34 42 43 43 43 43 40 40 IANA 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Private 15 13 3 3 9 6 5 5 9 2 2 Others 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 16852 16822 15796 13353 16768 14848 16725 16703 16781 16668 16540 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 2959 3355 4271 3888 3538 3995 4423 5800 3680 5090 6162 APNIC 575 629 824 670 678 791 915 1093 711 931 1185 RIPE NCC 1495 1861 1830 1592 1797 1983 2331 3006 2030 2546 3082 LACNIC 20 21 21 21 21 27 23 25 21 21 25 IANA 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Private 12 10 2 2 6 5 4 5 7 1 1 Others 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5063 5879 6949 6174 6042 6802 7698 9930 6450 8590 10456 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 6728 6315 5176 4082 6085 4703 5191 3792 5977 4489 3306 APNIC 1376 1319 997 773 1266 1085 1014 847 1222 995 734 RIPE NCC 3658 3284 2654 2310 3350 2241 2801 2116 3108 2574 2028 LACNIC 23 22 19 13 21 16 20 18 22 19 15 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 2 1 1 Others 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11789 10943 8847 7179 10726 8046 9027 6773 10331 8078 6084 IANA : AS64198 AS52947 Others: AS65535 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Leaf 14005 14059 13245 11044 14061 12405 14113 14279 14100 14132 14189 Transit 2753 2674 2374 2039 2616 2220 2522 2351 2597 2451 2279 Transit-only 94 89 177 270 91 223 90 73 84 85 72 Total 16852 16822 15796 13353 16768 14848 16725 16703 16781 16668 16540 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Avg 5.99 6.04 5.79 5.74 6.14 6.09 5.66 6.04 5.87 5.55 5.56 Std 2.43 2.48 2.50 2.52 2.50 2.27 2.43 2.28 2.27 2.34 2.32 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 13321 13321 20542 20542 20542 20542 20542 13321 2529 2529 2529 2529 2529 2529 20542 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 19071 354011 4293 214029 19864 160494 4589 123681 4519 92142 4519 92142 14367 81285 14367 80773 9195 51987 9195 49757 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 339 From risops at Mon Feb 16 03:02:33 2004 From: risops at (Generic RIS account) Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 02:02:33 GMT Subject: RIS Statistics Report Message-ID: <> RIS Statistics Report (20040210-20040216) This report was generated at Mon Feb 16 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 APNIC 23851 23743 23231 16880 23546 19791 23054 10168 20126 16345 22730 ARIN 56607 56575 55831 23661 56357 54518 55531 15816 51552 34215 54766 LACNIC 5233 5232 5205 2655 5224 4545 5228 2283 4571 3412 5205 RIPE NCC 34407 21745 21708 11600 33923 16551 21468 10028 15751 15007 21082 OLD 29965 29662 28281 11319 29343 27058 29259 9444 24664 17300 28047 IANA 57 55 56 36 55 45 55 25 44 47 6 RFC1918 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 150123 137013 134313 66151 148449 122509 134595 47764 116708 86326 131836 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 9701 9692 9577 5408 9632 9490 9641 4635 9086 6940 9497 APNIC 1959 1958 1944 1723 1951 1789 1940 1027 1817 1526 1925 RIPE NCC 5169 5155 5157 3652 5161 4594 5150 3203 4260 4172 5126 LACNIC 44 43 41 27 44 41 44 28 41 30 40 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 32 30 7 5 12 25 26 5 24 23 3 Others 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Total 16906 16879 16727 10816 16801 15940 16802 8899 15229 12692 16591 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 2892 3134 3849 2134 3862 4655 4936 1875 3924 2981 5894 APNIC 572 617 707 690 646 836 703 427 692 614 1092 RIPE NCC 1476 1845 1799 1441 1782 2430 2517 1324 1692 1653 2909 LACNIC 22 23 24 19 27 25 27 17 26 19 27 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 27 27 5 3 9 23 22 3 22 21 1 Others 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Total 4989 5646 6384 4287 6326 7970 8205 3647 6357 5288 9923 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 ARIN 6809 6558 5728 3274 5770 4835 4705 2760 5162 3959 3603 APNIC 1387 1341 1237 1033 1305 953 1237 600 1125 912 833 RIPE NCC 3693 3310 3358 2211 3379 2164 2633 1879 2568 2519 2217 LACNIC 22 20 17 8 17 16 17 11 15 11 13 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 5 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 Others 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Total 11917 11233 10343 6529 10475 7970 8597 5252 8872 7404 6668 Others: AS65535 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Leaf 14041 14102 14073 8565 14079 13452 14174 6858 12694 10284 14173 Transit 2766 2683 2565 1762 2632 2319 2539 1438 2321 2068 2340 Transit-only 99 94 89 489 90 169 89 603 214 340 78 Total 16906 16879 16727 10816 16801 15940 16802 8899 15229 12692 16591 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 Avg 6.05 5.93 5.74 5.93 6.23 6.00 5.85 6.48 6.09 5.83 5.70 Std 2.37 2.37 2.29 2.43 2.43 2.23 2.37 2.27 2.30 2.38 2.32 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 8548 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 19071 494732 19864 183385 4589 123191 4519 103732 4519 103730 11992 78614 20435 58959 20435 58925 20435 58878 20435 57682 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 343 From matthew at Mon Feb 23 22:17:18 2004 From: matthew at (Matthew Williams) Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 22:17:18 +0100 Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: libbgpdump v. 1.4b Released Message-ID: <003601c3fa52$6b244ff0$2f0200c1@rockstar> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 [Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear All, Libbgpdump 1.4 beta is now available on the RIS web site. The previous release was 1.3.1. Notable changes include: - - Route_btoa Replacement Libbgpdump now includes a replacement for route_btoa called bgpdump. Bgpdump's output syntax is the same as that of route_btoa. Bgpdump also supports IPv6 on more platforms than route_btoa and provides error reporting of corrupt data and unknown attribute types. It also supports machine-readable output and allows the user to select which timestamp to use for RIB dumps. Bgpdump was contributed by Agilent labs. - - Better Error Handling The library now provides access to corrupt data and unknown attributes in dump files. Every record which cannot be decoded now results in a message being logged to syslog, and the library keeps track of how many records were dumped and how many were successfully decoded. - - Autoconf Support Libbgpdump should now build on many more platforms, including cygwin. IPv6 support is automatically enabled if the system supports it (except on Windows), and no longer depends on user defines. - - Miscellaneous Fixes - Fixed possible endianness issues on SPARC. - Fixed a crash when processing NOTIFICATION messages. Libbgpdump 1.4 can be downloaded at . Please send your bug reports to ris at Best regards, On behalf of the RIS team, Lorenzo Colitti -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 7.0.4 iQA/AwUBQDptz8HkFbJe+GdoEQJFhACeJd2sgxLNUAES5RWT76TGeF75oCMAoJyw f11RSDh0bBknJcy10wsVQwTT =LBsM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From matthew at Fri Feb 27 15:36:25 2004 From: matthew at (Matthew Williams) Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 15:36:25 +0100 Subject: REMINDER: Inter-Domain Routing Workshop, RIPE NCC, Amsterdam (May 1-2, 2004) Message-ID: <004c01c3fd3f$13cb8da0$300200c1@rockstar> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 [Apologies for duplicate mails] Dear All, The Inter-Domain Routing Workshop will take place at the RIPE NCC in Amsterdam during the weekend before RIPE 48 (May 1-2, 2004). This RIPE meeting will also be held in Amsterdam. The goal of the workshop is to bring together a focused group of operators, vendors, and researchers to discuss important mid- and long-term operational problems, as well as new academic ideas, in an OPEN forum. The wide scope for topics was intended on our part. The organisers are: * Intel Research * Universit?t Karlsruhe Institut f?r Telematik * Technische Universit?t M?nchen, Computer Science Department * RIPE NCC * Schlund+Partner AG, Karlsruhe See URL for more information: We are hoping that these discussions will become an invigorating and lively affair. Please feel free to drop us a line at idrws at Kind regards, Matthew Williams --- > Matthew Williams (MW243-RIPE) > Customer Liaison Engineer > RIPE NCC - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 7.0.4 iQA/AwUBQD9V5sHkFbJe+GdoEQJM9ACfYr/r7uErUN7VG8As7AFszid7LS0AnRzB /ieShHagijt6tCx7Q4wvA/O2 =NAT1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----