From vmre at Tue Feb 6 07:56:01 2007 From: vmre at (Miriam) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 14:56:01 +0800 Subject: [ris-int] reside bootleg Message-ID: <001901c749bd$02d9e730$3582bf5f@zsiq> Treatment eludes doctorsThere is still no treatment for Ebola readily available - no standard anti-viral therapies such as interferon have any effect. There is a risk of permanent brain damage in severe cases. A membrane called the tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, thereby sustaining erection. Endometriosis can occur at any time from the onset of menstrual periods until the menopause. Users often experience a feeling of well-being, contentment and detachment from daily worries. The major organs it affects are the liver, kidneys, spleen and reproductive organs. The different types of eczema have very different causes and treatments, making their correct diagnosis important. These include Prozac which is thought to stimulate the growth of brain cells in an area of the brain called the dentate gyrus. Magic mushrooms also have a hallucinogenic effect which is generally milder than that associated with LSD. Heavy use can lead to confusion, aggravate existing mental disorders and sap energy. Some drugs may produce longer term side effects, such as acne and weight gain. The anorexic must be shown to be incapable of making rational decisions about their condition. The emergency pill will not protect her against pregnancy if she has further unprotected sex. How does an erection occur? Heroin use is also associated with crime as the drug is expensive to obtain. Bulimics may have irregular periods or stop having periods at all because of excessive use of laxatives and vomiting. Other forms of depression include Seasonal Affective Disorder which is thought to be associated with the approach of winter and may be linked to lack of sunlight. It also affects one in 12 adults. In a small number of cases, people who have taken Viagra have complained of headaches, flushing and stomach-ache. Side effects include paranoia, suicidal urges and kidney disorder. Insomnia is very common, as is depression. There is a risk of permanent brain damage in severe cases. The tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli, through which oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream, lose their natural elasticity, meaning spent air is pushed back out into the lungs. Some experts believe bulimia is the result of an imbalance of chemicals to the brain, but others think the illness is more likely to be linked to a lack of self-worth. When unconscious, the user is at risk of choking on their own vomit. People with type 1 diabetes can live happy, healthy lives provided they follow a diabetes treatment plan. For example, some people severely restrict the range of food they eat or several children have a psychological fear of food. Anorexia nervosa is a form of intentional self-starvation. Eczema can appear anywhere on the body but is often found in the skin creases of the elbows and wrists and behind the knees. But if the ovaries are left in place then the chance of recurrence is increased with some women needing a further operation to remove the ovaries at a later date. The most common are headache, stiffness, confusion and temporary memory loss on awaking from the treatment - some of these can be reduced by placing electrodes only on one side of the head. The disease was transmitted from African green monkeys brought to Germany for animal experimentation. Foot exercises while sitting down - rotating the ankles and wiggling the toes - prevents the blood pooling in the feet and then struggling to climb up through the veins. This creature is able to burrow through the intestinal wall and spread through the bloodstream to infect other organs, such as the liver, lungs and brain. Sometimes, the spleen or liver may also begin to swell up. The drugs relax muscles and increase blood flow to create an erection. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ray.gif Type: image/gif Size: 14065 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hpxzt at Thu Feb 8 05:40:05 2007 From: hpxzt at (Miranda S. Hyde) Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 20:40:05 -0800 Subject: [ris-int] Customers will pay for their personally compiled CDs at a fixed cost per track under a new distribution system familiar to many as reminiscent of the process by which free CDs are made at home. Message-ID: <000e01c74b3b$808f5820$d3e8a179@eqra> It occurs less and less to the occupants of the civilisation what a high-tech, highly sophisticated and mature civilisation is for. The White House shape-shifter has gone out of her way to avoid public attention and protest at her presence in Australia. ' We're completely in the dark. Communication is arduous at best when confronted by the best and brightest of the Australian Army, although its probably a good idea not to draw their attention to their shortcomings. Evidence of the hostile operations of the surreptitious and effective British military against the overgrown US equivalent remains scant. Now shiny pipes course directly through bedrooms and living rooms and kitchens, entirely visible, and regularly polished. The situation faced at Coca-Cola's single largest bottling plant in India - in Plachimada, Kerala is a case in point. But why are there so few happy stories emerging from the deadly war-zone onto television screens in the West? The loss of the expert, capable soldier, who died in hospital not long after accurately shooting himself at close range, has been lamented by the Prime Minister and others. Our path is clear; we are for dialogue, logic and law and do not wish to escalate tension; however, we certainly do know how to defend our interests. With the wisdom of Solomon, the benign but implacable Kofi Annan has made the only decision possible that can bring peace to the Arab world and Israel in the short and medium term. Communication is arduous at best when confronted by the best and brightest of the Australian Army, although its probably a good idea not to draw their attention to their shortcomings. In towns large and small across the continent military bands struck up profoundy unsynchopated rhythms and walked along picturesque Autumn-littered routes. In Australia there are hopes in the long-term for a reform of Australian Defence Force culture, under a future and very different government. We know they will not allow the UN nuclear agency to do so. But these are only minor contributing factors to the swelling pride in the Australian heart at the dawn of this new century. your civilisation does have plumbing, I take it? Nonetheless 'we pay in blood for the cruelty of our ancestors. Political perspectives in the East and West alike have been polarised. com the day after the Dateline broadcast. This is how our doctors are performing at the moment. Our path is clear; we are for dialogue, logic and law and do not wish to escalate tension; however, we certainly do know how to defend our interests. This is how our doctors are performing at the moment. But now focus group and phone poll research, commissioned by worried entertainment industry executives indicates the strategy may have backfired. The potential for carefully cultivated future generations is limitless, as long as this youthful nation stays the course. In one ugly incident, Pittman was reportedly irritated when a cancer-ridden child was chosen in her stead to give flowers to anointed athlete Cathy Freeman. The Prime Minister is equal to the Zone of Chaos threat. Another contains footage of an apparently mentally ill or severely perturbed prisoner made into a kind of pet by guards and used to test new varieties of restraint. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: selfless.gif Type: image/gif Size: 10098 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hnz at Sat Feb 10 18:18:30 2007 From: hnz at (Betty W. May) Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 18:18:30 +0100 Subject: [ris-int] fly-by-night paddle Message-ID: <001501c74d38$dbc18a70$51893129@ggy> Dela jumped down into the crowd, because they wanted to be close to their audience. I am also impressed how large and fast the Hip Hop scene grew in Moscow. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Not only for the audience, but also for the artists, like De La Soul themselves. Nevertheless, they have to get a grip on their security. Nevertheless, they have to get a grip on their security. This blog is protected by dr Dave's Spam Karma 2: 2622 Spams eaten and counting. Today the Flammable Beats guys are opening for De La Soul, one of the greatest Hip Hop acts of all times comes to Moscow, because it seems worth wile. Well, at least I did think that. I have been writing about them often on this blog, because Hip Hop was always part of my life and when I came to this strange city, I found some nice and talented people through Hip Hop. Maybe one day I will even see Mos Def, The Roots or Common over here, just like back in NYC. I hope they enjoyed their Russian audience as well and will spread the word among other good hip hop acts that Russia is now finally ready for more. I have never seen them live before as of today, but their songs followed me for long. I have been writing about them often on this blog, because Hip Hop was always part of my life and when I came to this strange city, I found some nice and talented people through Hip Hop. B1 is a nice venue and I appreciate what they do for the various music scenes. Well, at least I did think that. I have never seen them live before as of today, but their songs followed me for long. One even in Valdez, Alaska. What you are still here? What dump asses, the De La Sould must have thought. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: African-American.gif Type: image/gif Size: 17313 bytes Desc: not available URL: From eromijn at Mon Feb 12 12:14:02 2007 From: eromijn at (Erik Romijn) Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:14:02 +0100 Subject: [ris-int] RIS maintenance Thursday 15 February Message-ID: <> Dear RS staff, On Thursday, 15 February 2006, there will be planned maintenance on the Routing Information Service (RIS). This work will make the RIS database compatible with 4-byte Autonomous System Numbers. At 17:45 (our local time), the RIS database will stop inserting data. Between 18:00 and 19:00, the database servers will be stopped twice for about 15 minutes. All RIS tools, except the Looking Glass, will be unavailable for up to 20 minutes. Data collection will continue during the maintenance. When the system restarts, it may be a few hours until all the stored updates are inserted. We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions about this work, please e-mail us at: ris at cheers, -- Erik Romijn RIPE NCC jr. software engineer Information Services dept. From xvyswj at Sat Feb 17 07:46:20 2007 From: xvyswj at (Rowland I. Baldwin) Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:46:20 +1000 Subject: [ris-int] wickedly Message-ID: <002201c7525f$9bee3980$4849cfb6@aji> "14Give the reader multiple response options-"I'd like to see a demonstration," "Have a salesperson call," "Send me a free planning kit by return mail. Charles Nixon offer these 3 nifty strategies to encourage repeat website visitor traffic to your Website:Keep your visitors coming back. The vast majority of Web sites have gaping security holes. Tell about its special features, such as a selection chart, planning guide, installation tips or other useful information it contains. com, CA - 48 minutes agoHowever, Jason told me that he had to write that the Iraq War was wrong. Charles Nixon offer these 3 nifty strategies to encourage repeat website visitor traffic to your Website:Keep your visitors coming back. Attensa Releases Feed Server 1. simply copy and paste the HTML code below:computer help. Tips for creating customers for lifeTimes Herald-Record, NY - 2 hours agoHe'd been at the Harvard Business School, and some thought the professor was an unusual choice for a gaming company. If they appear to be bruised, don't let it bother you. Portland marketer's Super Bowl ad scores points with viewersMaineToday. Our new volunteers tend to make that . simply copy and paste the HTML code below:How to promote a fake name. simply copy and paste the HTML code below:Metaspy news, views, and reviews. Normally, I avoid insurance like the plague. Secondary information comes AFTER main message. The good news is a simple tracking code. Failing to change the header to correspond with the subjectFor example, if you are writing your web publisher, your first header may be "Web site content. and it lies dormant in your vendor list. The second part is a situation statement. Keyword Tool Coming; Overture Keyword Tool . simply copy and paste the HTML code below:Shipping insurance news, views, and reviews . If cornered behind your desk, stand up, and move. That's what I say to people who tell me that their business is purely and solely a "cheapest price business. We even mark them as "Insured," and so can you. "14Give the reader multiple response options-"I'd like to see a demonstration," "Have a salesperson call," "Send me a free planning kit by return mail. That's what I say to people who tell me that their business is purely and solely a "cheapest price business. ask my visitors how they found my Web site. and that's the good news. Mirren Plays a Queen But Is Still a DameHollywood Today Newsmagazine, CA - 1 hour ago. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: appreciate.gif Type: image/gif Size: 20069 bytes Desc: not available URL: From szhkiv at Mon Feb 19 10:32:29 2007 From: szhkiv at (Mcknight) Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 17:32:29 +0800 Subject: [ris-int] listing Message-ID: <001001c75409$e7b312e0$b7e779bb@gfaqfx> This position requires working closely and positively with production, quality, product engineering and marketing personnel to improve existing products and processes. What is your current salary? Do have a PE registration? comProject Manager - Jack Young Personnel Services, Inc. Global engineering and manufacturing company is searching for a CONTRACT Machinist to set up and operate CNC Mills. t, science in aerospace, bs aerospace, b. A good candidate will be able to review quotes, project cost estimates, purchase orders, performance guarantees, and specifications. Do you have MAGIC programming and trouble shooting experience? Candidate should have a big picture perspective on large scale construction projects. Position works with Chinese factory so comprehension of Mandarin Chinese is a plus. Do you have experience in fiberglass design, aluminum design, and prestressed concrete design? Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas has been helping clients in the public and private sectors to achieve compliance in the environmental, health, and safety fields. - Manage crane maintenance contractors at each location. Where did you obtain your knowledge-experience with instrumentation and controls? The candidate must be proficient in mechanical design, material selection of metals and plastics, and mechanical drive system design. Great Opportunity for a General Ledger Accountant in Northern California to direct, coordinate, design, recommend, implement, and control financial systems. , buyer, purchasing department, sourcing coordinator, supply chain, procurement specialist, cpm, cpim, certified purchasing, c. ; and procedure writing experience. Where do you currently live and why would you be willing to relocate to California? If you are not currently in the area, is there anything that would keep you from relocating now? Prefer local candidates. Immediate Need for a Project Manager in the San Francisco Bay area. Candidate will be responsible for configuration and testing of various networking equipment for broadcast production rollout. comProduct Support Engineer - Cisco Systems, Inc. You will be responsible for the management of department improvement projects regarding spare parts, mechanical integrity, writing of work instructions and development of organizational procedures. What is your work related experience in earthquake engineering, wind engineering, steel design, reinforced concrete design, timber design, masonry design, foundation design? Excellent opportunity with an industry leader. Please include any specific software or equipment experience. We value initiative, potential and creativity in our colleagues. The candidate will issue sketches, drawings and specifications of the equipment of the estimator. Knowledge of Ericsson ATM switches and video formats such as HDSDI, SDI is a plus. The candidate will develop, implement and maintain internal financial controls within corporate requirements. In what discipline and where was it earned? comProject Manager - Jack Young Personnel Services, Inc. Apply now for this excellent position! Describe your experience with experience in a big four public accounting firm. Where do you currently live and why would you be willing to relocate to California? The candidate will develop, implement and maintain internal financial controls within corporate requirements. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: brazier.gif Type: image/gif Size: 24865 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hnkjff at Thu Feb 22 17:04:51 2007 From: hnkjff at (Dodd Stephanie) Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:04:51 +0200 Subject: [ris-int] outsider courtship Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Mace.gif Type: image/gif Size: 15715 bytes Desc: not available URL: From afk at Tue Feb 27 16:22:32 2007 From: afk at (Owens) Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 16:22:32 +0100 Subject: [ris-int] Who is going to make sure they get all of the healing they need? Message-ID: <002201c75a84$374414a0$2ac18ad8@kgi> He denied that the need for more forces in Afghanistan had forced the recent decision to reduce troops in Iraq. "They have clearly acted in a very independent way and that is what seems to be causing the problems," Sir Richard told World at One. And last, what resources are available to help these poor children? Is Blair happy to go? He told Welsh Labour's conference that Plaid Cymru and Liberal Democrats could join a "Tory-led triple alliance" after May's assembly elections. Survivors of incest or similar sexual abuse grapple with many tough questions. We are back where we ought to be. Would any part of it have made the front page of any self respecting paper. And on Monday an Iranian spokesman said demands for it to cease nuclear enrichment as a precondition for talks were "illegal and illogical" and "in contradiction with the Iranian nation's dignity". Reformist newspapers said the metaphor was inappropriate because it suggested the programme was out of control. "Schools want freedom from government interference, but freedom to set their curriculum and choose how they teach is more important than the power to weed out less desirable pupils. The think-tank says that schools that act as their own admissions authorities are less representative of the social and ability mix of their local areas. 32m, the Electoral Commission said. Orders had been lost, customers' confidence dented and the country's image as a reliable manufacturer badly tarnished. The Tribunal has now dismissed the DfES case and decided in favour of the Standard. He told the conference: "Voters have to keep the Tories where they belong - out of office and out of power. "I am clear that we must continue to educate and encourage motorists about how to achieve this, as well as robustly enforce the law to discourage those that think it is OK to break it. " It is an indication of serious emotional problems, of an innocent victim creating even more innocent victims until the violence is stopped. Defence Secretary Des Browne confirmed last week more troops would be sent, but added a statement would be made in the Commons on Monday. And now, on his last visit to the south before handing over the reins of his Nato command, General David Richards was saying something similar. Just down the road, as it happens, is the Tory leader, who's also come to talk about guns and kids. Is the level of required proof too high to meet? The real story here is that this is a slower withdrawal than many in the British army had hoped for. He tells the programme it has been suggested to him that the weapons scientist was assassinated. The Advocate on the phone will understand completely, and will be willing to answer questions, or describe the process, or just chat about other things to help build your confidence level. The majority will be deployed over summer and will be mainly based in the volatile province of Helmand, where UK forces have been fighting the Taleban. The DfES then appealed against this ruling, taking their case to the Information Tribunal and arguing that the Commissioner has placed too little weight on candour in policy discussion. Find out which dorms, houses, organizations and events have good reputations on campus, and also the ones that have bad reputations. It had been one of the final acts of the war, destroying what was then a Taleban stronghold in their spiritual heartland. Get the straight story, right awayIf you're a freshman woman arriving on campus, there is a valuable resource you should use right away. I expect the prime minister to echo that today. Mr Browne said: "We believe every Nato partner should be prepared to do more to meet this need. Many focus on supporting the country's rural women. HAVE YOUR SAYIt's a complete waste of money. "Other family structures are not irretrievably doomed to fail," he will say at a speech at the Relate Institute which trains relationship counsellors. The new procedures also helped treble accelerated pre-trial guilty pleas. The arguments will roll on for years, decades even, to come. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: incarceration.gif Type: image/gif Size: 35725 bytes Desc: not available URL: From yzmlq at Wed Feb 28 11:23:40 2007 From: yzmlq at (Horton Vivian) Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 17:23:40 +0700 Subject: [ris-int] When I have created this product I am going to be giving it to you for free. Message-ID: <002b01c75b22$ce083ad0$c67f3eaf@kbnt> $12.5 Million In Assets Plus $7.5 Million In Sales Contracts! China Fruits Corporation Symbol: CHFR Current: $0.55 CHFR's recent acquisition of Huangjia Nanfeng Tangerine Orange Co. Ltd. has provided it with over $12.5 million in assets and annual sales over $7.5 million. There expansion not only helps them during the window of opportunity in the current orange market but also expands there value. Read all the news, look at the Orange market info and grab CHFR Wednesday morning! I know there are some links and text that needs updating I just can't find the time to do this at the moment. I can't imagine what it's going to be like to not see him on my television screen. Elizabeth begs Jason to keep her secret. Which is why I have hardly touched the site in the last 6 months. Previous article: Root Cause Analysis - Art or Science? At the moment it's just an idea, or should I say a 'brainwave'. Previous article: Root Cause Analysis - Art or Science? Note the emphasis on the use of evidence and reasoning for investigating and acquiring knowledge: this could very well serve as a working description of the root cause analysis process. Op de trein daar naartoe ontmoet Mary de Hertogin De Aptitude - What level of aptitude did the performer have for this specific activity? This back and forth isn't her - at least not her with Jason. Unless you are quite new to Internet marketing I'm sure you already know a bit about Google's Adsense program. You could approach the ebook authors and tell them all about your new service. All you do is cut and paste new articles as you find them. The upshot is, the health insurance website is going to earn you much more money per click than the dog site is. Als Mary Haines de affaire van haar man met Crystal Allen, een winkelmeisje, kan negeren, is haar huwelijk misschien nog te redden. She's doing it out on the deck? In many ways fighting spyware and adware is exactly like the anti-virus business? All I'm going to him with is this stupid little 'brainwave' for a free ebook. The guys at Flexilis may have scanned them all. You could approach the ebook authors and tell them all about your new service. Aptitude - What level of aptitude did the performer have for this specific activity? com, Kelly defended the inclusion of a Claria representative on the committee. I've even been involved in a fairly significant event before, which my "friends" keep reminding me about even though such remembrances cause me great pain and embarrassment. They make decisions and take actions that, in hindsight, prove to be "wrong" in some way.