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NIDUS Working Group

Dear friends,

About two years ago it seemed to be a good idea to form a working group
which would deal with subjects of the network information/user services 
area (NIDUS WG). Since then the working group met several times, but not
on all RIPE meetings, only if we found some topics to discuss. 

At start-up we decided that we did not want to start concurrent 
activities to the other existing groups in this field. There were
very few people coming to the WG sessions, probably because there were
much more important tasks to do, like PRIDE, etc. I think, that
the only useful thing this WG did was, that we kept an eye on the
activitis of the other groups in this field, like Joyce's reports about
the IETF User Services Area.

If the RIPE community hasn't got any strong objection against it, I'll suggest
to quit the NIDUS WG, as it is now.

We could resereve some time during the plenary session for reports of
other groups/activities in the network information/user services area though,
as many of us found such reports quite useful and interesting.

Best regards,
Nandor Horvath

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