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hostcount March 1995

Dear all,

Here is the hostcount for March 1995.

The table shows an increase since last month of over 128,000 (or 10.7%) 
to a total of almost 1,390,000 hosts in the DNS in Europe.
This comes to a total increase of 22.11% during the last three month.

The german domain shows again a big increase. The zone I have
mentioned last month gives still the same result. This time all 
65,000 A RR's are counted since the new version of the host command 
allows an unlimited amount of hosts per zone (not limited to 25,000 hosts 
per zone anymore).
This gives a real increase of over 18,000 machines (A RR's) in the DE
domain (the remaining 40,000 existed last month already but were not counted).

The hostcount can also be found under ftp.ripe.net/ripe/hostcount.


Mirjam Kuehne

                  RIPE DNS Hostcount

Previous Count : Tue Feb 28 1995
This Count     : Fri Mar 31 1995

CY         SOA     COUNTED        DUPL        REAL    CHANGE
al           3           0           0           0         0
am           2          25           1          24    +    5
at         635       34040         398       33642    + 1909
az           3          16           0           0    -   16
be         417       19968         339       19629    +   78
bg          40         461          25         436    +  265
by           1           2           0           2         0
ch         428       57875         435       57440    + 3035
cy           4           8           3           0    -    5
cz         230       13961         199       13762    + 1197
de        3147      316955       13163      303792    +58912
dk         334       30002         476       29526    + 1538
dz           2          11           0          11    +    1
ee          76        1717          10        1707    +  415
eg           6         170           2         168         0
es         588       33273         553       32720    + 1348
fi         826       98547        1724       96823    +19416
fo          13         438           0         438         0
fr        1349      104244        1446      102798    + 4119
gb           1          27           0          27         0
ge           1           0           0           0         0
gr         189        4321         269        4052    +  258
hr          80        1726         359        1367    -   68
hu         128        9669          52        9617    +  666
ie          58        7620         107        7513    + 1424
il         255       14437         366       14071         0
is          97        5109          64        5045    +   59
it        1117       39279        1462       37817    + 1641
li           4          16           0           0    -   16
lt          23         189           2         187    +   23
lu          53         941           8         933    +  226
lv          29         784          21         763    +  127
ma           1           0           0           0         0
mk           2           0           0           0         0
mt           1           0           0           0         0
nl         786       98979        2439       96540    + 5251
no         952       57830        2335       55495    + 2273
pl         489       14344         891       13453    + 3355
pt         146        6933          80        6853    +  543
ro          30         558          39         519    +   20
ru         285        3592         315        3277    +  835
se        1182       96416        3059       93357    + 6867
si          85        2523          69        2454    +  366
sk          86        1712          32        1680         0
su         292        6424         337        6087    +  600
tn           3          64           7          57         0
tr           5          49           1          48    -  899
ua          87        1109         147         962    +  350
uk        3436      297626       26640      270986    +11998
va           0           0           0           0         0
yu           3           0           0           0         0
         18010     1383990       57875     1326078    +128116

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