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IETF Report Abstract

 IETF - San Jose: December 5th - 9th, 1994

 Trip Report:
 Jill Foster - Newcastle University, UK
 TERENA Information Services and User Support Project Development Officer
 Mailbase Manager

 This one of my last tasks as the RARE/Terena ISUS PDO
 - and kept me occupied over Christmas!


 The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) met for a week in San Jose.

 The report deals mainly with the areas of User Support, Networked
 Information Retrieval and Directory Services, although reports of
 some of the plenary sessions are also included.

 This report is stored on the UK Mailbase Server.


 It is also available via gopher and WWW from mailbase.ac.uk

 To retrieve a copy via email, send a message to:
 Mailbase@localhost with the
 following command in the body of the message:

      send wg-isus ietf.12.94

 -- Jill Foster

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