Re: New at the RIPE NCC: Mirjam Kuehne

Welcome Mirjam,

Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
> Today the RIPE NCC welcomes Mirjam Kuehne as new junior administrative
> staff member.  Mirjam joins us from TU Berlin where she has both
> graduated as a MSc.  computer science and worked in an international
> project in the field of knowledge representation. 
> Mirjam will join Anne Lord, Geert Jan and myself in providing the NCC's
> core services from today.  This will provide much needed relief.  I ask
> all of you to welcome Mirjam and to help him get used to his new

Hmmh, Mirjam sounds like a women's name, so I 'm a little confused to read 
"him" ...

> responsibilities quickly. 
> Our current trainee Geza Turchanyi will leave us on the 15th of this
> month.  Anyone interested in a traineeship for 3-6 months at the NCC is
> invited to contact us. 
> The PRIDE and NCC staff work as one team.  So it is quite possible that
> you might deal with Marten or Tony on NCC matters occasionally. 
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
> Regards
> Daniel Karrenberg
> RIPE NCC Manager

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