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RIPE 14 - Agenda


				   R I P E

			Agenda of the 14th RIPE meeting

			 January 25 - January 27, 1993

	    The following items will be treated at the plenary sessions
	    of the coming RIPE meeting. A final draft of the agenda,
	    including the parallel sessions of the working groups, will
	    be distributed a week from now.
	    This agenda, and other documents relevant to the meeting,
	    can also be found at the RIPE archives under:

 1. Opening (R Blokzijl)					15 min
       o welcome
       o apologies
       o approval of the agenda
       o papers tabled
       o organisation of the meeting
       o dinner for Tuesday evening

 2. Welcome (Prof.J Hlavicka)
       Prof.Jan Hlavicka is the Dean of the Faculty of
       Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University

 3. Minutes of the last meeting					15 min
       o approval of the minutes
       o action list

 4. RIPE and the RARE Technical Program (R.Blokzijl, T.Bates)   45 min
       o RIPE representation in the RTC
       o joint projects:
         - route server software
         - IP service specifications
 5. The introduction of CIDR and BGP4 in Europe			60 min
       (P.Lothberg, A.Others)

 6. GIX - progress report (P.Lothberg)				15 min

 7. RIPE NCC (D Karrenberg, P.V.Binst)				60 min
       o report
       o the future of the RIPE NCC:
	 - organisational position
	 - budget
	 - financing

 8. Global Internet traffic measurement 			15 min
       o status of technical proposal (D.Karrenberg)
       o report on the use of EASIgate (O.Martin)

 9. The Internet - your local radio station? (C.Malamud)	 30 min

10. Introduction to the demonstrations (M.Sterba)		30 min

11. EBONE (P Jones, B Stockman)					60 min
       o status report
       o plans for EBONE 93

12. EMPB IP services (PTT Telecom NL)				30 min
       o EMPB is going to introduce IP on it's network, EMPB will be 
         connected to some of the RIPE coordinated networks. Issues related
         to interworking between EMPB/IP and the European Internet will be
         presented and discussed.

13. Reports from the working groups.				120 min

14. Date, place and time of next meetings                        15 min
       o January 25 - 27, Prague

15. A.O.B.							 15 min

16  Closing

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