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Re: seasons greetings

>To: ripe@localhost
>Subject: seasons greetings
>Cc: local-ir@localhost, hostmaster@localhost, iana@localhost, all-staff@localhost,
>        ip-provs@localhost
>From: RIPE NCC Staff ncc@localhost
>Date: Mon, 21 Dec 92 17:05:16 +0100
>Dear colleagues,
>We would like to thank all of you for a year of splendid cooperation during
>the first 3/4 year of NCC operation and for all your support during 1992.
>We would like to wish you all a merry X-mas and the best wishes for all of
>you in 1993, and hope to continue the excellent cooperation in the coming year.
>Thank you all,
>Anne, Daniel and Marten

Anne, Daniel, and Marten,

Watching from "across the water", I think you have been doing a splendid job -
Merry Christmas indeed, and best wishes to you too!

- Lyman Chapin

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