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Re: NSFnet stats

  • To: Hank Nussbacher < >
    "Steven N. Goldstein--Ph 202-357-9717" < >
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 21 Dec 92 18:11:14 SET
  • Cc:
    Elise Gerich < >
    Jessica Yu < >

On Sun, 20 Dec 92 11:14:29 IST you said:
>Just to let everyone know that the NSFnet now has stats by port and
>country.  The info can be found in (nsfnet/statistics/1992
> and t3-9211.ports) and I post below the country stats.
>Thanks to all involved who have listened and have worked to make this
> <NIC.MERIT.EDU> /nsfnet/statistics/1992/
I am very sorry to appear as a trouble maker once more but I have very serious
doubts about the accuracy of the traffic figures below with respect to the
countries served by the CERN-Cornell T1 line in november 1992.

With regard to October 92, we measures 34 GBytes for traffic US<-->NL for
example, which is twice as much as what is indicated below, and I can
give other examples, e.g. Italy, Switzerland, Austria where the statistics
below appear to be seriously wrong, i.e. by a factor 2 at least!

The only explanation I can offer is that the CERN-Cornell line was still
connected to the NSFnet T1 backbone last month, as was also the case for
CA*NET, which probably explain why CANADA is less active than Iceland,
whereas I remember Canada ranking 2nd some time ago!

I personally have nothing against Iceland or Lapeland, but I hope that
the december 92 figure will be more accurate, following the dismantling
of the T1 backbone on december 2.

Since any traffic statistics, in particular the intercontinental ones,
may be exploited for purposes other than purely technical ones, I would
very much appreciate that due mention of the possible inaccuracy of the
traffic figures for some European countries be explicitely and publicly

With my advance thanks.

Let me also take this opportunity to wish you all a merry xmas and a very
happy new year.
> *************************************************************************
>                 NSFNET T3 Traffic Distribution by Country
>                              November 1992
                                     Bytes                   Bytes

                                     In To                   Out From     In
 Nets    Country                     Backbone                Backbone
 ====    =====================    ==============          ==============  =====
 3626    United States             3874759959550           3509503835000  94.84
  150    Australia                   37408344600             57199677950   0.92
   41    Finland                     32903180050             22675528900   0.81
   45    Sweden                      25272340250             28260920050   0.62
  183    United Kingdom              21508921150             80004317700   0.53
  274    Germany                     21362364850             61922783000   0.52
  161    Japan                       11637747450             16709804550   0.28
  244    France                      10531128850             28654549850   0.26
   29    Norway                       7909722350             19900125850   0.19
    3    Iceland                      5589222550             17681731950   0.14
 4054    (unrecognized origin)        4538228200             13944473600   0.11
  236    Canada                       4429599450             67898239000   0.11
   13    Mexico                       3749162950             11148620950   0.09
   18    Israel                       3428805000             11403356100   0.08
   76    Netherlands                  3223535450             12769613900   0.08
    6    Denmark                      3004141700             10302597950   0.07
   28    Korea                        2658757950             10321332850   0.07
   55    Switzerland                  2060560500             10566275100   0.05


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