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Re: FYI: Someone wants to build a monopoly.

  • To: Daniel Karrenberg < >
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 07 Sep 92 15:01:11 +0200
  • Cc:
    Peter Lothberg < >


I mean that it is absolutely vital and neccesary.  To me the RARE OU is
a closed shop of people working for a set of R&D networking interested
parties, and they should be as long as they do their job.

This does not reflect a bit the real situation of the issues that is
at hand, many international and regional serviceproviders (non-R&D)
must be able to interwork in the Internet. The openness reflected in
EBONE and the method of work in RIPE is as a model the only way forward.

If we can't attract the telco industry this way by "giving them a
market" and helping them to learn what it takes to provide open
networking service, we won't succeed in promoting/building the
open infrastructre at all. 

The funny (actually sad) fact is that the CEC model is just to blunt
and inefficiant. It is almost contradictory to the goals they say they
have - to propomte a IT-industry. You can't create a market by "giving
a network" for three years, then hope that a market is created and teh
the market will be selfsupporting. This is especially true if the
"market" consits of state funded users only, what you get is just a
higher taxpayers cost to civer the new costs.


	 could you share with us what this means. Do you think it is not necess
	ary or
	 that it *is* necessary? Do you think it is achievable.

	 I think it is necessary and achievable and that the right place to do 
	 is RIPE.


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