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Re: Server setup

  • To:
  • From: Eric Thomas < >
  • Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1992 13:22:03 +0200
  • Cc:

On Mon, 7 Sep 1992  08:56:59 +0300 Juha Heinanen <Juha.Heinanen@localhost
>no matter how good listserv is, there is a couple of things i don't like
>in it (or maybe these are just caused by bad configuration). one is that
>when a message  is sent to the  list, the To field doesn't  point to the
>list, but to the actual receiver.
All you have to  do is tell the server that  you want unix-style headers.
The command is 'SET listname IETFHDR'.
>the second thing  is that nobody has so  far been able to tell  me how i
>can remotely subscribe an alias instead  of myself. for example, i would
>have  liked  to join  the  rare  llt list,  but  not  as myself  but  as
*cough*  Juha,  the thing  that  is  running the  RARE  lists  is NOT  my
LISTSERV,  but a  unix  package which  unfortunately  insists on  calling
itself LISTSERV. This is precisely  what I was complaining about. Anyway,
regardless of  the software  that is being  used, all you  have to  do is
telnet to port 25 and type your own headers.
I would like to  point out that Juha is a networking  expert, and that he
is subscribed to  quite a lot of  LISTSERV mailing lists. I  will let you
imagine the  degree of confusion  that biologists, language  teachers and
other non-DP literate users  have to put up with due  to the existence of
all  these  incompatible mailing  lists  managers  for unix  which  their
authors refuse  to call anything but  'unix listserv version x.y'  or the
like (to  the credit of the  developers of unix mailing  list software, I
have to say that a *few* of them kindly accepted to change the name after
I requested so). Sadly, the prime  european user organization seems to be
patronizing one  of the  packages which  ranks highest  in terms  of user

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