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Clarification on RARE lists

  • To:
  • From:
  • Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1992 23:43:49 +0000

Although I am reluctant to burden your mailboxes further, to forestall
further misunderstanding, can I point out that a number of undelivered
messages caused by the original mailing loop on RARE-NEWS have timed out
unexpectedly-late over the weekend and the reports distributed to the 
RARE-NEWS list. The RARE-NEWS list is functioning correctly, and this further
inconvenience is a result of the original incorrectly-formed messages 
being held for several days at various MTAs. 

Whilst I can understand the frustration which has caused several people
to leap to the conclusion that RARE has got it wrong again, and regret
not keeping the list shut down for longer, can I also request that I
am NOT sent any further copies of these messages, regardless of whether
the intent is helpful or malicious.


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