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RIPE documentstore reorganised

  • To:
  • From: (Rob Blokzijl)
  • Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 11:00:54 +0200
  • Address: Kruislaan 409, P.O. Box 41882, 1009 DB Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Organisation: Nikhef-H (National Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics)
  • Phone: +31 20 5925102, +31 20 6924218 (home)
  • Telefax: +31 20 5925155
  • Telex: 10262 hef nl

		Organisation of the RIPE documentstore

	The RIPE documentstore on has been restructured and
	reorganised. The idea of this operation is of course to make it
	easier to find the documents that you are looking for. The new 
	scheme is as follows:

	1. RIPE keeps 4 kinds of documents:
	   - agenda's of RIPE meetings
	   - minutes of RIPE meetings
	   - documents produced and accepted by RIPE
	   - draft documents under construction by RIPE

	2. This is now reflected in the new directory structure:

	3. ripe-current/ contains copies of the most recent versions of:
	   - the DNS hostcount
	   - the database templates
	   - the RIPE NCC informational leaflets
	   - the minutes of the last RIPE meeting
	   - the announcement of the next RIPE meeting
	   - etc.

	4. All directories contain README files that explain what the
	   directory contains.

	5. The reorganisation and recollection of the RIPE documents
	   necessitated a new numbering scheme, which goes as follows:
	   - agenda's:		ripe-a-n
	   - minutes:		ripe-m-n
	   - documents:		ripe-n
	   where n stands for the serial number (no leading zero's).

	6. All documents have been renumbered according to the new scheme.
	   A cross reference with the old numbering scheme is contained in 
	   the file ripe-docs/ripe-index.txt.

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