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RIPE 13 - Meeting announcement

		R I P E  meeting announcement
	This is to announce that the 13th RIPE meeting will take place:

	dates:		30 September	14:00h - 18:00h
			 1 October	09:00h - 18:00h
			 2 October      09:00h - 16:00h

	place:		Ecole Nationale Superieure
			des Telecommunications (Telecom Paris)
  			46, rue Barrault
  			Paris 13

	metro:          - Place d'Italie,  or
			- Corvisart

	NOTE:		- In order to facilitate  the logistics of the
			  meeting, could you please give notice of your
			  coming a.s.a. possible to  anne@localhost
			  and NOT TO THE LIST.
			- old hands: please bring your RIPE badge
			- newcomers: please provide the following info
			  for your badge: + full name
					  + affiliation
					  + country
                          to the above address.

        Agenda:         a detailed agenda will be mailed the first week of 
			September. Don't hesitate to suggest topics of
	Appended to this announcement:

	   - how to reach the meeting place

	   - hotels in Paris


	How to reach the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications 

  - Take the RER-B to Chatelet from the airport.

  - Transfer to Line 7, direction Mairie d'Ivry/Villejuif.
    Don't get lost, it's a bit of a labyrinth.

  - Get off at the metro station Place d'Italie.

  - Exit onto "rue Bobillot".

  - Walk south-west down rue Bobillot until you come to the second set of
    traffic lights and a church on the right-hand corner. 

  - Turn left and walk west on rue Tolbiac.

  - After 4 short blocks, you will find yourself standing in front of
    a large, fairly modern apartment build with a highly visible "La Poste"
    sign in front.
  - Turn right up the street (rue Barrault), go 20m, and you will be
    standing in front of the main entrance of the school.

  - Directions will be posted inside.


Hotels in Paris, conveniently reachable from the meeting place:

Name/Price	     Address			   Phone	    Fax

Hotel Urbis          177, rue de Tolbiac
FF 350               75013 Paris

TIM Hotel            22, rue Barrault 
FF 360               75013 Paris

Pullman St-Jacques   17, bd St-Jacques
FF 1015              75014 Paris

Hotel Etchegarry     43, rue Broulebaide
FF unknown           75013 Paris

All phone and fax numbers should be read as: +33 1 <quoted number>

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