From emadaio at Mon Jan 14 14:27:27 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:27:27 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] Cosmetic Surgery Project: new revised document for Reverse Delegation Policy Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, At the RIPE 59 Meeting in Lisbon, the RIPE NCC announced that it would undertake a project to improve the language of various RIPE Policy Documents, without changing their substance or meaning. This project is aimed at improving the clarity and readability of RIPE Documents. For more information, see: The last RIPE Policy Document to be revised was ripe-302, "Policy For Reverse Address Delegation of IPv4 and IPv6 Address Space in the RIPE NCC Service Region". The revised document is now available at: An update on the current status of the Cosmetic Surgery Project and the next step of the project will be presented no later than the RIPE 66 Meeting in May. Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Tue Jan 15 14:49:24 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 14:49:24 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] 2012-09 Draft Document and Impact Analysis will be produced (Modification of The Time Limits for Temporary Internet Assignments) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The discussion period for the proposed change to RIPE Document ripe-526, "Temporary Internet Number Assignment Policies", has ended. A draft document and the RIPE NCC Impact Analysis will now be prepared for review. We will publish the documents shortly and we will make an announcement. You can find the full proposal at: Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Wed Jan 16 15:10:34 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:10:34 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] 2012-08 Discussion Period extended until 13 February 2013 (Publication of Sponsoring LIR for Independent Number Resources) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The Discussion Period for the proposal 2012-08, "Publication of Sponsoring LIR for Independent Number Resources", has been extended until 13 February 2013. You can find the full proposal at: We encourage you to review this policy proposal and send your comments to . Regards, Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Thu Jan 24 14:29:51 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:29:51 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] 2012-07 Discussion Period extended until 21 February 2013 (RIPE NCC Service to Legacy Internet Resource Holders) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The text of the policy proposal 2012-07, "RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders", has been revised based on the community feedback received on the mailing list. We have published the new version (version 2.0) today. As a result a new Discussion Phase is set for the proposal. Highlights of the changes: -general rearrangement of the proposal sections -overall rewording of the whole policy proposal text -new Rationale section You can find the full proposal at: We encourage you to review this policy proposal and send your comments to . Regards, Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Mon Jan 28 14:11:23 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 14:11:23 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] 2012-09 New Draft Document and Impact Analysis Published (Modification of The Time Limits For Temporary Internet Assignments) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The draft document for the proposal described in 2012-09, "Modification of The Time Limits For Temporary Internet Assignments", has been published. The impact analysis that was conducted for this proposal has also been published You can find the full proposal and the impact analysis at: and the draft document at: We encourage you to read the draft document text and send any comments to address-policy-wg at before 25 February 2013. Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Thu Jan 31 13:38:10 2013 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:38:10 +0100 Subject: [policy-announce] 2012-10 Draft Document and Impact Analysis will be produced (Extension of IPv6 /32 to /29 on a per-allocation vs per-LIR basis) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues The discussion period for the proposed change to RIPE Document ripe-552, "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy", has ended. A draft document and the RIPE NCC Impact Analysis will now be prepared for review. We will publish the documents shortly and we will make an announcement. You can find the full proposal at: Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC