From emadaio at Wed Jul 13 10:34:33 2011 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 10:34:33 +0200 Subject: [policy-announce] 2011-03 New Draft Document Published (Post-depletion IPv4 address recycling) Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, The draft document for the proposal described in 2011-03 has been published. The Impact Analysis that was conducted for this proposal has also been published. You can find the full proposal and Impact Analysis at: and the draft document at: We encourage you to read the draft document text and send any comments to address-policy-wg at before 10 August 2011. Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Fri Jul 15 11:19:24 2011 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:19:24 +0200 Subject: [policy-announce] 2006-05 New Draft Document Published (PI Assignment Size) Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, Following the feedback received, a new version of the proposal described in 2006-05 is now published. The draft policy document for the proposal has been published. The Impact Analysis that was conducted for this proposal has also been published. You can find the full proposal and Impact Analysis at: and the draft document at: We encourage you to read the draft document text and send any comments to address-policy-wg at before 29 July 2011. Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Tue Jul 26 11:59:00 2011 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:59:00 +0200 Subject: [policy-announce] 2008-08 Policy Proposal Withdrawn (Initial Certification Policy in the RIPE NCC Service Region) Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, The proposal 2008-08, "Initial Certification Policy in the RIPE NCC Service Region", has been withdrawn. It is now archived and can be found at: Reason for withdrawal: after carefully following the discussion in the Concluding Phase of the Policy Development Process, the proposer is of the opinion that consensus on this proposal is not possible within the RIPE community. As a consequence, the proposer has decided to withdraw the proposal. Regards Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC From emadaio at Thu Jul 28 12:31:21 2011 From: emadaio at (Emilio Madaio) Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:31:21 +0200 Subject: [policy-announce] 2011-01 Review Period extended until 25 August 2011 (Global Policy for post exhaustion IPv4 mechanisms by the IANA) Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, The Review Period for the proposal 2011-01 has been extended until 25 August 2011. You can find the full proposal at: We encourage you to review this policy proposal and send your comments to . Regards, Emilio Madaio Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC