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[ncc-announce] [meetings] Register Now for RIPE 79
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Martina De Mas
meeting at
Tue Jul 2 16:11:25 CEST 2019
Hello community members, We are happy to let you know that registration for the RIPE 79 Meeting is now open! Rotterdam is set to be another exciting host city, so make sure you read up on the social activities we have planned for you as well. But, first things first: Register for RIPE 79! Go to: RIPE 79 will take place at the Postillion Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam from 14-18 October 2019: ------------- Ticket Options ------------- Week ticket: EUR 350 Day ticket: EUR 125 Student (week) ticket: EUR 50 Are you a new LIR? If so, did you know that you have two free tickets to a RIPE Meeting? If you haven’t used them yet, make sure you do for RIPE 79. You can find more information about ticket options at: ------------- Accommodation ------------- There are many hotels and B&Bs in the area, several of which offer a discounted rate to RIPE 79 attendees. Please see the accommodation page to find accommodation that suits you the best. Rates are subject to availability, to avoid disappointment, reserve now: ------------- Call for Presentations ------------- The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is seeking presentation proposals from the RIPE community for the plenary sessions, BoFs (Birds of a Feather sessions), workshops, tutorials, and lightning talks at RIPE 78. Find out how to submit a proposal at: Proposals must be submitted using the meeting submission system and no later than *16 August 2019*. ------------- Call for Sponsors ------------- Supporting a RIPE Meeting through sponsorship gives your organisation fantastic exposure in the global Internet community. We offer a range of options aimed to suit organisations of all sizes: -------------------------------- Diversity Initiatives at RIPE 79 ------------------------------- We have several initiatives aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion at RIPE Meetings... - RIPE Fellowship - We fund a meeting ticket, accommodation and travel to the RIPE Meeting for those in need of financial assistance from the RIPE NCC service region. Apply before 7 August at: - RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI)- RACI funds a meeting ticket, accommodation and travel for successful applicants to present their research at RIPE 79. Apply before 7 August at: - On-site Childcare - We make it easier for parents in the community to fully participate in the meeting by offering professional, on-site childcare for children ages 6m-10yo. Space is limited, so be sure to confirm your child's place when you register for the meeting. More info: - Women in Tech Session - This open, inclusive lunch session brings together attendees to celebrate the achievements of women in the community. The session provides meeting attendees a space to discuss experiences, best practices and ways to improve inclusivity in the RIPE community and beyond. - RIPE Meeting Mentoring - Experienced RIPE Meeting attendees can help newcomers make the most of their meeting by volunteering to be a mentor. We match mentors with mentees based on interests and areas of expertise. You can sign yourself up to be a mentor or mentee when you register for the meeting. More info at: ---- More information on RIPE 79 can be found at: We look forward to seeing you in Rotterdam! For updates about the meeting, follow us on Twitter: @ripemeeting, #RIPE79 Kind regards, RIPE Meetings Organisation Team
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-announce] [News] Apply for the RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-announce] [news] 123rd RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting - Summary Notes and Minutes
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