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[ncc-announce] [GM] One Week to the RIPE NCC General Meeting: Have You Registered Yet?
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Axel Pawlik
agm at
Wed Oct 10 16:37:51 CEST 2018
Dear RIPE NCC members, The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) takes place one week from today on Wednesday, 17 October. All members are asked to participate by registering their voting and attendance options via The registration process takes less than a minute to complete, and we ask that you exercise your participation and voting rights in this important meeting for the RIPE NCC and the membership. You can register to participate and vote remotely until 16:00 UTC+2 on 17 October. Agenda and Resolutions ----------------------- The agenda for the GM is available at: There will be a discussion of the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2019. This document lays out our plans for 2019 and the cost of those plans, so your input can help shape the direction of the RIPE NCC in the coming year. The PDF is available at: There are also four resolutions that the members will vote on at the GM. The first asks members to decide on what will happen to the RIPE NCC's 2018 budget surplus - it will be either returned to the RIPE NCC reserves or redistributed to the members as a rebate in 2019. The other three resolutions ask members to adopt the amended RIPE NCC Articles of Association. The document outlining these changes are available at: Note: This document was updated on 9 October 2018 to correct an error: The amendment of article 18 previously said an absolute majority of those "entitled" to vote was required to challenge a verdict. This has been corrected to say those "registered" to vote at the General Meeting. The GM will also have updates from the RIPE NCC management and the Executive Board. The meeting will be broadcast live for all members from the remote participation page at 18:00 UTC+2 next Wednesday, 17 October. The webstream link and all other GM-related information is available from the GM webpages: We rely on our members to give us guidance and make important decisions related to the work of the RIPE NCC, so I look forward to seeing strong involvement from the members at next week's meeting. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC
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