From ripencc-management at Mon Sep 2 16:25:36 2013 From: ripencc-management at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 16:25:36 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] RIPE NCC Commits Additional Support to the Internet Governance Forum Message-ID: Dear colleagues, The RIPE NCC has announced that it will provide 50,000 USD in financial support for the upcoming Internet Governance Forum (IGF) event in Bali, Indonesia. This one-time contribution is provided in response to an urgent appeal from the IGF 2013 Secretariat Committee, and is in addition to the 100,000 USD already provided by the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) via the Number Resource Organization (NRO). Both ARIN and APNIC have made the same commitment to additional funding for the eighth IGF event, and others in the multi-stakeholder community have also committed to increasing their contributions. The IGF is a major annual venue for Internet governance-related discussions, bringing together a diverse range of Internet stakeholders from around the world to consider a wide range of subjects. It has also served as an important platform for the RIPE NCC to defend the open and bottom-up processes of the RIR system. The ongoing health and stability of this forum is key to the realisation of true multi-stakeholder governance of the Internet. The RIRs have repeatedly argued the need for significant, ongoing financial commitments from all stakeholder groups. Concerns about whether the 2013 event would be able to proceed have served to highlight the fragility of the IGF with its current funding base. In making this additional contribution, the RIPE NCC again calls on all Internet stakeholders to contribute financially to the IGF. Only through a broad, multi-stakeholder base of support can we ensure that the IGF will continue to serve its very important role in Internet governance. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC From ripencc-management at Wed Sep 4 14:21:42 2013 From: ripencc-management at (Jochem de Ruig) Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 14:21:42 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] Netnod Selected to Host RIPE NCC "Warm Node" Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, On 1 July 2013, the RIPE NCC issued a call for organisations willing to host a "warm node" able operate some of the RIPE NCC's critical services in case of a major disaster in the Amsterdam area. In response, we received expressions of interest from 88 organisations, of which 22 submitted a full Request for Proposal (RFP). Various factors were taken into account in reaching a decision, including the legal and political situation in the country of hosting provider, the host organisation's facilities, connectivity and support services, and the specific terms and conditions of the contract (including pricing). The RIPE NCC has decided to establish this "warm node" with Netnod AS in Stockholm, Sweden. Netnod was selected for several reasons including their connectivity, security, geographic location and reputation. We would like to thank all those organisations that offered their services. Kind regards, Jochem De Ruig Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC From survey2013 at Mon Sep 9 16:37:16 2013 From: survey2013 at (Serge Radovcic) Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:37:16 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] Results of the RIPE NCC Survey 2013 Now Available Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) report on the results of the RIPE NCC Survey 2013 is now published. The full report as well as the raw data containing all statistics and responses to open questions are available at: The results of the survey will help us to improve our services and shape our strategy for the years ahead. In the short term, the results will be used to develop the RIPE NCC Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2014, which will be published for the RIPE NCC membership in the next week. This survey was launched at the RIPE 66 Meeting and conducted by the OII to ensure independent analysis and anonymity for respondents. Over 3,000 people responded to the survey, including from 75 of the 76 countries in our service region. This means the 2013 survey received by far the biggest number of responses to any RIPE NCC survey. The survey was open to RIPE NCC members as well as other interested parties from our service region and beyond. I would like to thank all who participated for their feedback in what is a very important project for the RIPE NCC. We hope you will take the time to read the survey results. If you have feedback, please email us at . Kind regards, Serge Radovcic Chief Communications Officer RIPE NCC From ripencc-management at Thu Sep 12 14:43:33 2013 From: ripencc-management at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:43:33 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] 90th Executive Board Meeting Summary Notes and Minutes Message-ID: Dear colleagues, The RIPE NCC Executive Board held its 90th meeting on 27 August 2013. The Executive Board publishes the minutes of its meetings so that the RIPE NCC membership and the RIPE community will be up to date with the Board's thinking and ideas on all RIPE NCC-related matters. The draft minutes are available at: The following is a summary of the main items from the 90th Executive Board meeting: - The Executive Board approves the updated version of the RIPE NCC procedural document "Transfer of Internet Number Resource Records and Change of a Member?s Official Legal Name" and tasks the RIPE NCC to publish and implement the updated version. - The Executive Board approves the updated version of the RIPE NCC procedural document "Closure of Member and De-Registration of Internet Number Resources" and tasks the RIPE NCC to publish the updated version. - The Executive Board directs the RIPE NCC to increase scrutiny for hijacking activities and to bring suspected cases to the attention of Dutch authorities. - The Executive Board approves the publication of the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 and encourages the membership to discuss this draft version on the mailing lists. - The Executive Board approves the following changes to be put forward to the RIPE NCC General Meeting of 16 October 2013: Resolution 1 ? Expanding the maximum number of Executive Board members to seven Resolution 2 ? Removing the need for the Executive Board to nominate an additional candidate Resolution 3 ? Simplifying the identification agreement for e-voting - The Executive Board approves the draft agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting of 16 October 2013 and asked the RIPE NCC to publish the draft agenda. You can give feedback by emailing the Executive Board directly at . RIPE NCC members can also discuss matters among the entire membership by emailing . Kind regards Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC From agm at Tue Sep 17 14:23:16 2013 From: agm at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:23:16 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC General Meeting Agenda With Resolutions Published Message-ID: <> Dear RIPE NCC members, The agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) October 2014 is now available at: The agenda contains four resolutions to be voted on by the membership at the GM: - Resolution 1 proposes a new RIPE NCC Conflict Arbitration Procedure - Resolution 2 proposes to increase the maximum number of Executive Board members from five to seven - Resolution 3 proposes to remove the requirement for the Executive Board to nominate a candidate if there are not enough candidates to have an election - Resolution 4 proposes to allow members to submit proof of identity for General Meeting voting in ways other than sending copies of identification papers, e.g. via the LIR Portal Registration and Voting ------------------------------- All the information you need to participate in the GM, whether in person or remotely, is available at: A second invitation to register for electronic voting on the GM resolutions will be sent to members on Thursday, 19 September. If you have any questions about the RIPE NCC General Meeting, or the issues that will be discussed at the meeting, please contact . Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC Important Dates --------------- 15 August - GM registration opens 21 August - Registration for electronic voting opens 18 September - Draft agenda and proposed resolutions posted online by the RIPE NCC 18 September - Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2014 posted online by the RIPE NCC 2 October - Submission deadline for proxy forms 2 October - Submission deadline for proposed resolutions 15 October - Registration for electronic voting closes 16 October - RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2013 From agm at Tue Sep 17 14:55:42 2013 From: agm at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:55:42 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 Published Message-ID: <> Dear RIPE NCC members, The Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 is now available for your review (PDF): The Draft Activity Plan and Budget is the clearest way that RIPE NCC members can learn about, comment on and ultimately shape the direction that the RIPE NCC will take in the coming year. This year, the Draft Activity Plan and Budget has new ?activity status? categories that show which activities are new, which are expanding and which are scaling back. Where the status of an activity has changed, the document shows when the relevant decision was made, who made the decision and why that decision was made. By publishing the draft document now, the RIPE NCC membership has four weeks until the General Meeting (GM) on 16 October 2013 to review and discuss the contents of the document. Further discussion will take place at the GM. We ask that you read the document and provide feedback on the members-discuss mailing list . The Executive Board will take note of all feedback and discussions regarding the Activity Plan and Budget before publishing a final version in December 2013. All the information you need to participate in discussions at the GM, whether in person or remotely, is available at: We look forward to hearing your feedback. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC Important Dates --------------- 15 August - GM registration opens 21 August - Registration for electronic voting opens 18 September - Draft agenda and proposed resolutions posted online by the RIPE NCC 18 September - Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2014 posted online by the RIPE NCC 2 October - Submission deadline for proxy forms 2 October - Submission deadline for proposed resolutions 15 October - Registration for electronic voting closes 16 October - RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2013 From meeting at Thu Sep 19 09:55:18 2013 From: meeting at (RIPE Meeting Coordination) Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 09:55:18 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [meetings] RIPE 67: Programme Now Online Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, RIPE 67 takes place at the Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Hotel in Athens, Greece from 14-18 October 2013. We are pleased to announce that the RIPE 67 programme is now online! - RIPE 67 Plenary agenda: - Three tutorials taking place on Monday morning: - Two BoFs planned during the meeting: - And a new session format - one workshop on Tuesday afternoon: If you haven't registered yet for RIPE 67, you can do so at: Need a hotel in Athens? For a limited time, the RIPE 67 venue - Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Hotel - offers a discounted rate on the hotel rooms of EUR 135 per night including breakfast, WiFi, VAT and city tax (single occupancy). Book today! You can find booking information and a selection of other hotel options near the meeting venue at: To stay up to date, follow us on Twitter: @ripemeeting, #RIPE67 or join the Facebook RIPE Meetings page: See you in Athens in October! Regards, The RIPE Meeting Team RIPE NCC From nominations at Mon Sep 23 14:37:45 2013 From: nominations at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:37:45 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] Candidates for RIPE NCC Service Region Seat on the NRO NC Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, The nomination period for candidates for the Number Resource Organisation Number Council (NRO NC) has now ended. There are three confirmed candidates for the NRO NC election: - Alain Bidron - Sander Steffann - Filiz Yilmaz Biographical information on all three candidates is available at: The election will take place at the RIPE 67 Meeting in Athens from 14-18 October 2013. All members of the RIPE community who are present at the RIPE 67 Meeting may vote in the election. The elected candidate will begin a three-year term on the NRO NC beginning 1 January 2014. If you wish to make an expression of support for one or more of the candidates, please send a mail to with the following information: Your name: You organisation/affiliation: Expression of support: Information on the NRO NC is available at: Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC From training at Tue Sep 24 11:26:59 2013 From: training at (Training Team) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:26:59 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [training] RIPE NCC Webinars - new dates In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the launch of new dates for our Webinars. The RIPE NCC Webinars are live and take only one hour. You can interact with our trainers without leaving your desk. We focus on the topics and issues most important for LIRs. Register now at Participation is limited to 20 people, so don't hesitate if you want to take part! If you have questions, please email . We look forward to seeing you online. Kind regards, RIPE NCC Training Services From matt.parker at Tue Sep 24 12:47:33 2013 From: matt.parker at (Matt Parker) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:47:33 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] [news] Introducing the Assisted Registry Check Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, After a successful pilot, the RIPE NCC is pleased to announce the launch of the Assisted Registry Check (ARC) - an improvement to our existing audit activities based on feedback from members and the RIPE community. As mandated by the RIPE community, the RIPE NCC has always conducted regular audits of LIRs to ensure the quality and currency of their registry data. Until now, these audits have largely been conducted whenever an LIR requested an additional IPv4 allocation. However, now that we've reached the final /8 and LIRs can only receive one final /22 IPv4 allocation, there will be a significant drop in the number of these "additional allocation audits" carried out by the RIPE NCC. The ARC review is a way for the RIPE NCC to maintain this periodic contact with LIRs and to ensure that the accuracy of data in the RIPE Registry is maintained, without placing any additional burden on the participating LIR's operations. It was clear from previous feedback that the RIPE NCC's audit activities needed to be more efficient and less time consuming for LIRs. With this in mind, the RIPE NCC will initially conduct ARC reviews for a period of three months, during which time we will closely monitor the time and effort required by LIRs. At the end of this period, we will complete an in-depth review and incorporate any feedback as appropriate. Continual development is a vital component of the ARC review and will ensure that the activity remains relevant, useful and helpful to LIRs. During the ARC review, the RIPE NCC will perform a variety of consistency checks to assess the quality of LIRs' registry data. We will then provide personalised support to help correct any issues that are found. This helps to raise awareness of routing and reverse DNS inconsistencies as well as helping LIRs to strengthen the quality of their registry data. More information about what the ARC review involves can be found here: There is also a RIPE Labs article that explains the process in more detail here: If you are interested in participating and would like to volunteer for an Assisted Registry Check, please send us an email at and we will contact you with further details. Kind regards Matt Parker Registration Services RIPE NCC From agm at Thu Sep 26 17:01:42 2013 From: agm at (Fergal Cunningham) Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:01:42 +0200 Subject: [ncc-announce] =?windows-1252?q?=5BGM=5D_RIPE_NCC_General_Meeting?= =?windows-1252?q?_October_2013_=96_What_You_Need_to_Know?= Message-ID: <> Dear members, The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) takes place in just under three weeks, and we have a RIPE Labs article that summarises what you need to know about the issues that will be discussed there and the decisions that the membership will be asked to make. Many of you will be familiar with the GM processes and what happens at the meeting. However, the results of the recent RIPE NCC Survey 2013 and feedback received elsewhere show that we have many new members, and some long-serving members, who are unsure about the General Meeting procedures and related issues. Many are reluctant to become involved because they feel they don't understand the issues being discussed or how to participate. This RIPE Labs article hopes to go some way towards addressing that. The areas it covers are: - An explanation of the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 - A review of the four resolutions that members will be asked to vote on at the GM - How to give feedback to the Executive Board and participate in the GM The RIPE NCC and its Executive Board would like as many members as possible to be involved in the GM. The GM is the RIPE NCC membership meeting, and having active and involved participants will hopefully lead to a RIPE NCC that can better meet the needs of its membership. We hope you will read the article and, most importantly, participate in the GM on 16 October. Kind regards, Fergal Cunningham Membership Communications Officer RIPE NCC