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[ncc-announce] MENOG 3/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting: Reminder to register
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Paul Rendek
menog at
Wed Mar 5 12:07:24 CET 2008
[Apologies for duplicate e-mails.] Dear Colleagues, You are cordially invited to join us at the MENOG 3/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in Salmiya, Kuwait, on 15 – 17 April 2008. This special event for network operators and network engineers from the Middle East offers a unique and exciting opportunity for you and your colleagues to develop cross-regional cooperation and meet with key players in the local and global Internet industry. The event is hosted by Wataniya Telecom. More information about Wataniya Telecom can be found at: Registration ------------- Registration is now open. The event is free. Please register online at: Accommodation ------------------- Rooms are available at the meeting venue, The Marina Hotel, Salmiya, at a special rate for those attending the event: Room Rate = KWD 69.350 per night To take advantage of this rate, you need to book your room by *4 April, 2008*. More details about the hotel and the relevant booking form can be found at: Call For Presentations ---------------------- Presentations on local issues play a central role in the agenda. Several tutorials are also offered. Your input is essential for building an agenda tailored to your needs. If you would like to give a presentation, or suggest a topic for discussion, please contact menog-sec at or submit your proposal at: Sponsorship ----------- If you would like to gain exposure for your organisation's products or services by sponsoring parts of this unique and popular event, there are various sponsorship packages available. For more information, please see: Further information ------------------- The preliminary agenda is available online and will be updated as soon as speakers and topics are confirmed: We look forward to meeting you and your colleagues at this combined MENOG 3/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting. Please extend this invitation to anyone you feel may be interested in participating in this event. If you have any questions, please e-mail menog-sec at Regards, Paul Rendek RIPE NCC On behalf of the RIPE NCC Regional Meeting/MENOG 3 Organisers
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-announce] RIPE 56: Registration, Now Open
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2008 - Registration Open
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