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[ncc-announce] RIPE 57: Reminder to Register
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RIPE Meeting
meeting at
Wed Jul 30 08:47:38 CEST 2008
Dear Colleagues, RIPE 57 will be held from 26-30 October (Sunday - Thursday) 2008, at the JW Marriott Hotel, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. REGISTRATION ============== You can register online for RIPE 57 at: MEETING AGENDA ================ The meeting agenda is online at: MEETING FEE =========== The fee for the meeting is EUR 400. This covers the full RIPE Meeting week. You will receive a EUR 50 discount if your payment is received before 12:00 UTC on Thursday, 23 October 2008. DAY TICKETS =========== Day tickets are available online and cost EUR 125 per day. Day tickets can also be purchased at the Registration Desk during the meeting itself. STUDENT DISCOUNT ================= A student ticket costs EUR 175 and you must show a valid international student card upon arrival at the meeting to qualify as a student. This discount does not apply to day tickets or to RIPE Dinner tickets. FREE TICKETS ============ If you are a *new* Local Internet Registry (LIR), you are entitled to *two* free RIPE Meeting tickets as part of your membership. You can find out more about how to use your RIPE Meeting tickets at: SPONSORING A RIPE SOCIAL EVENT =============================== Opportunities for your organisation to sponsor social events and various parts of the RIPE Meeting are available. For more information please contact <meeting at>. HOTEL INFORMATION ================== The JW Marriott hotel offers a special room rate for RIPE 57 Meeting attendees of approx 180 EUR, if you book by 1 October 2008. Other nearby hotels are also offering special rates. More information on how to book your hotel is available at: IMPORTANT NOTE ============== Please note that the RIPE 57 Meeting starts on a *Sunday* and ends on a *Thursday* to coordinate with the working week in the Middle East region. MORE INFORMATION =================== If you have questions, please contact meeting at Please also check the meeting homepage regularly for updated information: Regards, Camilla Meidell Conference Coordinator RIPE NCC
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