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[ncc-announce] RIPE 56: REMINDER TO REGISTER
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RIPE NCC Meeting Coordinator
meeting at
Thu Apr 24 16:41:48 CEST 2008
Dear Colleagues, RIPE 56 will be held from 5-9 May, 2008 at the Hotel Palace in Berlin, Germany. REGISTRATION ============== You can register online for RIPE 56 at: Information about the different types of tickets available and cost of attending RIPE 56 is available at: MEETING AGENDA =============== Plenary and RIPE Working Group agendas can be found at: RIPE NCC SERVICES CENTRE ========================= RIPE NCC members and non-members are welcome to visit the RIPE NCC Services Centre. Although you can drop into the centre at any time, you can also book appointments with RIPE NCC staff in advance using the online booking form at: MORE INFORMATION =================== For more information about RIPE 56, please see: You can also visit ROSIE, the dedicated RIPE 56 website, at: If you have any further questions, please contact <meeting at>. Regards, Camilla Meidell Conference Coordinator RIPE NCC
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-announce] RIPE 56: Reminder to Register
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