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[ncc-announce] RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2007 - Final Reminder to Register
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Axel Pawlik
agm at
Tue Oct 23 14:45:13 CEST 2007
[Apologies for duplicate e-mails] Dear RIPE NCC member, The RIPE NCC Executive Board is pleased to invite you to the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM). The meeting will be held at 17:45 on Wednesday, 24 October 2007 during the RIPE 55 meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You can register online at: You will also be able to register at the GM registration desk until 15:00 on Wednesday, 24 October 2006. After this time, registration for the GM will close. Please bring the appropriate identification to the GM registration desk. Once registered you will be given your meeting folder (containing your membership status and details of your voting rights) and your GM badge. More information on the GM can be found at: The GM agenda is available at: The GM supporting documents can be downloaded at: If you have any questions about the GM, please e-mail us at: agm at Regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Regional Meeting/MENOG 2: Reminder to book accomodation
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-announce] ASO AC Elections: Hans Petter Holen Elected
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