From hank at Sun May 2 07:26:05 2010 From: hank at (Hank Nussbacher) Date: Sun, 02 May 2010 08:26:05 +0300 Subject: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections: Registration for Electronic Voting In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> At 12:49 06/04/2010 +0200, Axel Pawlik wrote: On April 7 I received the following email "The RIPE NCC has received a copy of your identification. We can confirm that you are now registered to vote electronically in the RIPE NCC Executive Board elections, which take place during the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) on 5 May 2010." And on April 19 I received an email with the Subject "Electronic Voting for the RIPE NCC Executive Board Elections: Register Now" which contained the following: "One week before the elections, you will receive an email with instructions on how to cast your vote electronically." Today in May 2 - 3 days before the AGM and I have not yet received instructions how to vote online. Is this just me or have other been contacted by RIPE NCC? -Hank >Dear Colleagues, > >At the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) October 2009 in Lisbon, the RIPE NCC >Articles of Association were amended, and approved, to allow for >electronic voting for the RIPE NCC Executive Board elections. > >At the upcoming GM in Prague, Czech Republic on 5 May 2010, the RIPE NCC >Executive Board elections will, for the first time, allow remote attendees >to vote electronically in the elections for the Executive Board seats. >Those attending the GM on site can vote using the traditional paper ballot >method. > >The RIPE NCC has engaged BigPulse, a third party that specialises in >web-based voting solutions, to conduct the poll. > >Today, 6 April 2010, you will receive an email from the RIPE NCC inviting >you to register for electronic voting with the BigPulse system. You should >follow the instructions in the invitation email if you wish to register >for electronic voting. > >The deadline to register for electronic voting is 21 April 2010. > >The voting procedure, for those voting on site and for those voting >electronically, is outlined in the following document: > > >Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available on the electronic voting >procedure to answer questions that you might have on electronic voting: > > >We have also created a demonstration video that guides you through the >steps that you need to follow in order to register for electronic voting: > > >If you have any questions on the electronic voting procedure, please email >. > >RIPE NCC Executive Board Nominations >--------------------------------------------------- >Voting for the appointment of two RIPE NCC Executive Board members will >take place at the GM in Prague on 5 May 2010. The vacant seats are for two >three-year terms. > >In compliance with the RIPE NCC Articles of Association, the RIPE NCC is >calling for nominations to the RIPE NCC Executive Board. > >The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, 14 April 2010. > >Details on the RIPE NCC Executive Board election process, including how to >nominate candidates and vote by proxy, are available at: > > > >Register to Attend the GM >--------------------------------- >You can register to attend the GM online at: > > > >Regards, > >Axel Pawlik >Managing Director >RIPE NCC > >Important dates > >18 March 2010 Call for nominations for RIPE NCC Executive Board >25 March 2010 GM registration opens >25 March 2010 Draft agenda and proposed resolutions posted online >6 April 2010 Registration for electronic voting opens >14 April 2010 Deadline for nominations to Executive Board* >21 April 2010 Submission deadline for proposed resolutions >21 April 2010 Online registration for GM closes >21 April 2010 Deadline for registration for electronic voting >21 April 2010 Proxy forms must be received by the RIPE NCC >5 May 2010 RIPE NCC General Meeting > >* If there are less than three nominations by 14 April, the RIPE NCC >Executive Board will nominate sufficient candidates to ensure there is an >election. > > From noreply at Wed May 5 20:21:07 2010 From: noreply at (Axel Pawlik) Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 20:21:07 +0200 Subject: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Executive Board Election Results Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, The RIPE NCC General Meeting was held Wednesday, 5 May 2010, adjacent to the RIPE 60 Meeting at the Prague Marriott Hotel in the Czech Republic. The meeting agenda included an election to fill two RIPE NCC Executive Board seats for three-year terms. Nigel Titley and Remco van Mook were elected by the membership to take the available seats on the Executive Board. There were 84 attendees, excluding RIPE NCC staff and observers from the other Regional Internet Registries. In addition to the Executive Board election, the RIPE NCC members approved two resolutions. The RIPE NCC 2009 Audited Financial Report was approved. And the RIPE NCC Executive Board was discharged with regard to its actions as set out in the 2009 Annual Report. The RIPE NCC would like to thank its membership for the input and support given at the General Meeting and congratulates our newly elected Executive Board members. The Executive Board also extended warm thanks to J?nos Zsak? for the dedication and hard work he brought to the Board in his time as a member. Best regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC From noreply at Tue May 18 10:41:32 2010 From: noreply at (Arne Kiessling) Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 10:41:32 +0200 Subject: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] 2007-01 Policy Implementation - Phase Two Deadline Extended Message-ID: <> [Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear Colleagues, The RIPE NCC has once more extended the deadline for Phase Two of the 2007-01 policy implementation ("Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region"). This decision is based upon feedback and input received from the RIPE community during RIPE 60 regarding the implementation of Phase Three of policy proposal 2007-01. In Phase Three the RIPE NCC will contact all holders of independent Internet resources who, at the end of Phase Two, have not signed an agreement with either a sponsoring LIR or the RIPE NCC regarding the registration of the resources assigned to them. The RIPE NCC will draft a procedural document for Phase Three and make it available for review on the NCC Services Working Group Mailing List in the near future. The deadline extension will also allow LIRs some more time to provide the necessary documentation for any independent Internet resources that they marked as "My End User" during the first step of Phase Two of the policy implementation. It is hoped that this will reduce the number of resource holders to be contacted in Phase Three of the policy implementation. The start of Phase Three is scheduled to begin after the RIPE 61 Meeting in November 2010. The RIPE NCC will update the community regarding definite timelines for the end of Phase Two, the start of Phase Three and other topics related to the policy implementation on the NCC Services Working Group Mailing List. If you have any comments or questions, please contact . Kind regards, Arne Kiessling IP Resource Analyst RIPE NCC