From fgont at Thu Feb 2 02:26:12 2012 From: fgont at (Fernando Gont) Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 22:26:12 -0300 Subject: [ipv6-wg] Fwd: RA-Guard: Advice on the implementation (feedback requested) Message-ID: <> Folks, You've proabably read about this a few times -- still, most implementations remain broken. If you care to get this fixed, please provide feedback about this I-D on the IETF *v6ops* mailing-list , and CC me if possible. Thanks! Best regards, Fernando -------- Original Message -------- Subject: RA-Guard: Advice on the implementation (feedback requested) Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 21:44:29 -0300 From: Fernando Gont Organization: SI6 Networks To: IPv6 Operations Folks, We have just published a revision of our I-D "Implementation Advice for IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard (RA-Guard)" . In essence, this is the problem statement, and what this I-D is about: * RA-Guard is essential to have feature parity with IPv4. * Most (all?) existing RA-Guard implementations can be trivially evaded: if the attacker includes extension headers in his packets, the RA-Guard devices fail to identify the Router Advertisement messages. -- For instance, THC's "IPv6 attack suite" () contains tools that can evade RA-Guard as indicated. * The I-D discusses this problem, and provides advice on how to implement RA-Guard, such that the aforementioned vulnerabilities are eliminated, we have an effective RA-Guard device, and hence feature-parity with IPv4. We'd like feedback on this I-D, including high-level comments on whether you support the proposal in this I-D. Thanks! Best regards, -- Fernando Gont SI6 Networks e-mail: fgont at PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492 From jan at Wed Feb 15 15:06:39 2012 From: jan at (Jan Zorz @ Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 15:06:39 +0100 Subject: [ipv6-wg] RIPE-501 replacement draft, version 7 Message-ID: <> Fellow IPv6 working group... It is time to put out another version of RIPE-501 replacement draft document, and this time we are aiming for Last Call, if WG chairs decides so. We've been babysitting this doc for quite some time now, and many of latest changes and modifications are described in this post: Doc itself can be found in .pdf on , find 7th revision (the last one). We'll also ask RIPE-NCC staff (Chris, actually) to HTML-ify it and put into documents store as a draft. It's time for 501 replacement. There is a long list of entities, that are waiting for this to move forward. We'll start collecting more suggestions and ideas for new work shortly, but I think the authors team needs some time off now ;) So, if chairs agree, let's try and ask, if there is consensus to move this draft in BCP status. Merike, Sander and Jan, authors From training at Mon Feb 20 13:10:53 2012 From: training at (Training Mailbox) Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:10:53 +0100 Subject: [ipv6-wg] RIPE NCC Training Courses April-June 2012 - IL, BE, IS, PL, RU, FI, NL, DE, ES, HR Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, Our training team travels the RIPE NCC service region to deliver training courses to our members without any additional cost. Over the next few months, we'll be in Tel Aviv, Brussels, Reykjavik, Belfast, Gdansk, Yekaterinburg, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Munich, Seville and Croatia. Visit the following page to register and to check which training courses we are giving in your area: The RIPE NCC delivers the following training courses: - LIR Training Course - IPv6 for LIRs Training Course - Routing Registry Training Course For more information visit: With kind regards, Rumy Spratley-Kanis Training Services Manager From kleknes at Wed Feb 22 09:06:39 2012 From: kleknes at (Kjell Leknes) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 09:06:39 +0100 Subject: [ipv6-wg] Policy proposal 2011-02: "Removal of Multihomed Requirement for IPv6 PI" Implemented Message-ID: <> [Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that RIPE Policy Proposal 2011-02, "Removal of Multihomed Requirement for IPv6 PI", has been implemented. The RIPE NCC is now ready to accept requests for IPv6 PI assignments without multihoming being a requirement. The full proposal can be found at: The revised version of the IPv6 policy was published on 23 January 2012: The new request form template for IPv6 PI assignments can be found at: The new supporting notes can be found at: Kind regards --- Kjell Leknes RIPE NCC From marcoh at Tue Feb 28 10:43:30 2012 From: marcoh at (Marco Hogewoning) Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 10:43:30 +0100 Subject: [ipv6-wg] Call for agenda items for RIPE 64 in Ljubljana Message-ID: Dear colleagues, You guessed it, it is that time of the year again that we get busy to prepare for another RIPE Meeting., the 64th already. This one will take place from 16 till 20 April in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For this meeting we even have arranged for two sessions of the IPv6 Working Group. Both are scheduled on Thursday, starting after the coffee break at 11:00 and continuing after lunch until 15:30. This means we have a total of three hours to fill with topics you think are interesting when it comes to the adoption and deployment of IPv6. So please if you would like to share anything, wether it are thoughts about how to progress IPv6 deployment or showing your latest IPv6 project, please drop us a line at ipv6-wg-chairs (at) ripe (dot) net. Please include a short bio, a synopsis and if available a copy of the (draft) slides you intend to use. Hope to see you all in Ljubljana and of course if you can't make it the sessions will be broadcasted with the option of remote participation. Greetings, The IPv6 WG chairs collective, Marco, David and Shane