Re: Looking for a contact at a Turkish ISP,

On Apr 15, 2007, at 4:16 PM, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am looking after the NTP Pool system (<>).

A large Turkish ISP setup all their customer equipment to synchronize time with the pool in an unfriendly manner, so I am looking for a contact with them. Does anyone have a lead?

Is this list active? (the archives stopped 5 years ago).
Aside from CIDR report and various announcements, I think that this may be the first real email received from this list in a year
of being on it, so I would say that, no, it is not active.

You might want to try the Jupiter Media lists, such as isp- bandwidth@localhost
or just ask on Nanog.

Marshall Eubanks


 - ask

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