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Hi, my name is Amelia Effendi and I am a research student from RMIT University
focusing on the possible introduction of ENUM in Australia. I have attended the ENUM meetings at the Australia Communication Authority and have been very fortunate to gain valuable input from the meetings.

For the purpose of the research, I wish to get some understanding of your involvement in the discussion group and would like to know what you or
your company hope to get out of the discussions?

From the discussion so far, number ownership, privacy and authentication are some Of the issues related to the ENUM implementation. I would also like to
have your expert opinion of three most important issues for the introduction of ENUM from your point of view.

Another thing, in regards to International standards, is there any dedicated standard for ENUM, or we are just implementing ENUM without changing the standards?

I would be very grateful if you could respond to 

Thanking you in advance,
Amelia Effendi
RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia

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