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Re: Request for delegation of Slovak country code zone 1.2.4.e164.arpafor ENUM trial

Dear Richard Hill,
Dear Carsten Schiefner,

    during the discussions between Ministry of Transport, Post and
Telecommunications of Slovak Republic and SANET, Slovak acadenic network
it has been decided, that the administrative contact for 1.2.4.e164.arpa. 
should be assigned to Mr. Viliam Podhorsky, general director 
of Telecommunications section.

   Therefore a modified request has been sent to the ITU TSB by fax and
email and also to the enum-request list on 30.5.2003 by Eva Sumbalova. 
This request replaces the original request sent by Martin Stanislav on 
30.4.2003, so please don't consider the old one anymore.  

	Thanks & kind regards,

----                                                                  ----
----   Marian Durkovic                       network  manager         ----
----                                                                  ----
----   Slovak Technical University           Tel: +421 2 524 51 301   ----
----   Computer Centre, Nam. Slobody 17      Fax: +421 2 524 94 351   ----
----   812 43 Bratislava, Slovak Republic    E-mail: md@localhost        ----
----                                                                  ----

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