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Suggested enhancement of ENUM web pages.


May I suggest a new ENUM related page, and a corresponding entry in
the left hand side "panel menu" on the ENUM pages.

You do have an excellent page with ENUM Request Archives.

May I suggest that you create a similar page (table) with the country
codes, but with pointers to the corresponding registries? Something
like what IANA has for TLD:s (http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm),
but not necessarily as elaborate, just (e.g.)

CC	Area		Status		Registry	Information
==	====		======		========	===========
31      The Netherlands	Production      NL-net labs	http://www.nlnet.nl/
46      Sweden          Test		NIC-SE		http://6.4.e164.arpa/

Of course the registries in question have to approve to before they
are put there - it must be quite voluntary, and they would of course
have to provide the links, but I guess that there are those (both info
providers and info seekers) who would appreciate such an effort.

... or maybe such info already exists, and I just didn't find it in my
first attempt ... :-)

# Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc.	! E-mail: liman@localhost
# Senior Systems Specialist     ! HTTP  : //www.autonomica.se/
# Autonomica AB, Stockholm 	! Voice : +46 8 - 615 85 72

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